A Faithful and exact narative of the horrid tragedy; lately acted at Thorn ....
A Faithful and exact narative of the horrid tragedy; lately acted at Thorn, in Polish Prussia, by the contrivances and instigation of the Jesuits : With an account of the generous, just and seasonable interposition of their Britannick and Prussian Majesties, and other Protestant powers, in that affair. And a serious exhortation to protestants of all denominations to unite and exert themselves against their common enemy. As also, a prospect of the said horrid tragedy, on a large copper-plate. The second edition, to which is added; the pleading and demands of the Reverend Father advocate of the Jesuits of Thron, in French and English
London: J. Roberts, [1725].
Authority file: https://viaf.org/viaf/95741922/#Fourdrinier,_Pierre_(French_printmaker,_died_1758,_active_in_Great_Britain)
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
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Aqui se contiene un milagro que el glorioso san Diego hizo con una devota suya, a los veinte y cinco de Febrero deste presente año de mil y quinientos y noventa y quatro. Juntamente de la gran justicia que en la ciudad de Lisboa se hizo de un Ingles Luterano, y de otras personas. Y lleva al cabo una letrilla nueva al tono de la çaravanda, sobre la nueva prematica
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