The life & death of that renowned John Fisher ...
The life & death of that renowned John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester comprising the highest and hidden transactions of church and state, in the reign of King Henry the 8th, with divers morall, historicall and political animadversions upon Cardinall Wolsey, Sir Thomas Moor, Martin Luther : with a full relation of Qu. Katharines divorce / carefully selected from severall ancient records by Tho. Baily
London: n. p. , 1655.
Other editions:
Holbourn, P. Meigan, 1739
Authority file:,_Richard,_1537-1604
Edited by: Christopher Martinuzzi
Related Documents:
Edmund Campion, Martyr (1582)
from: A Particular Declaration or Testimony of the Undutifull and Traiterous Affection Borne Against her Maiestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite, London, Christopher Barker
British Museum, London
P. Franciscus Pagius Anglus Soc: IESU Londini in Anglia pro Fide Suspensus et Sectus. 30. Apr. 1602. (18th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London
Theatrum Crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis.
Antwerp : Adrianum Hubert, 1587.
P. Petrus Wrichtus Anglus Soc. Iesu odio Sacerdoij Catholici suspensus, et membratim dissectus, in Anglia Londini. A. 1651. 29. Maij. (17th Century)
from: Unknown
National Portrait Gallery, London