Editor: Chiara Petrolini
Fleisch und Geist: Opfer und Versöhnung in den exegetischen Traditionen von Judentum und Christentum
in: Versöhnung in der jüdischen und christlichen Liturgie (QD 124), pp. 197-219
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 1990.
Yom Kippuring Passover: Recombinant Sacrifice in Early Christianity
in: Ritual and Metaphor: Sacrifice in the Bible, pp. 65-83
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
Echoes of Sacrifice? Repertoires of Giving in the Great Religions
in: Sacrifice in Religious Experience, pp. 291-312
Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
El sacrificio humano en la Apologética histórica
in: Historia Mexicana, v. 16 (1967), issue 3: pp.341-357.
The Iconography of Sati: An Archaeological Study of Sati Memorial Pillars of Central India
in: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review, v. 5 (2010), issue 8: pp.--.
The Role of Missionaries in the abolition of Sati custom in India with special reference to Serampore Missionary
in: Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), v. 20 (2015), issue 10: pp.52–55.
The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Isaac in Early Christian Art
in: American Journal of Archaeology, v. 26 (1922), issue 2: pp.159-173.
The Vedic Sacrifice in Transition
Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1987.
Bare Facts of Ritual
in: History of Religions, v. 1 (1980), issue 2: pp.112-127.
Relating Religion. Essays in the Study of Religion
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
When the Bough Breaks
in: History of Religions, v. 12 (1973), issue 4: pp.342-371.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
A Note on Burning Babies
in: Journal of the American Oriental Society, v. 95 (1975), issue 3: pp.477-479.
Le sacrifice. Fondateur decivilisation et d’individuation
Paris: Albin Michel, 1988.
Animal Minds and Human Morals: The Origins of the Western Debate
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993.
Death and the King's Horseman
London: Eyre Methuen, 1975.
Sacrificium Intellectus
in: Archivio Di Filosofia [Special issue: Il sacrificio], v. 76 (2008), issue 1-2: pp.57-70.
in: Anchor Bible Dictionary, pp. 761-763
Yale : Yale University Press, 1992.
The Last Trial: On the Legends and Lore of the Command to Abraham to Offer Isaac as a Sacrifice: The Akedah
Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of American, 1967.
The Rite of Child Sacrifice at Carthage
in: New Light on Ancient Carthage, pp. 1-12
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1980.