Editor: Chiara Petrolini
The Meanings of Sacrifice: the LTTE, Suicide, and the Limits of the Religion Question
in: Martyrdom, Self-Sacrifice, and Self-Immolation: Religious Perspectives on Suicide, pp. 226-240
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Sacrifice and Sacrament: Eucharistic Substances and Traditions in the New World
in: Sacrifice and Conversion in the Early Modern Atlantic, pp. 123-138
Florence: Harvard University Press- Villa I Tatti , 2022.
The Romans and Ritual Murder
in: ournal of the American Academy of Religion, v. 78 (2010), issue 2: pp.516–541.
The Impartial Spectator of Sati, 1757-84
in: Eighteenth-Century Studies, v. 42 (2008), issue 1: pp.19-44.
Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion
in: A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East, pp. 389–403
Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Towards a Gendered Typology of Sacrifice: Women & Feasting, Men & Death in an Okinawan Village
in: Sacrifice in Religious Experience, pp. 13–38
Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Critica del sacrificio cruento e antropologia in Grecia: da Pitagora a Porfirio. I. La tradizione pitagorica, Empedocle e l'orfismo
in: Sangue e antropologia: riti e culto : atti della 5. Settimana, Roma, 26 novembre-1 dicembre 1984, pp. 107-155
Roma: Pia unione Preziosissimo Sangue, 1987.
Sacrifice before the Secular
in: Representations, v. 105 (2009), issue 1: pp.12-36.
In the Christian Archives: Sacrifice, the Higher Criticism, and the History of Religion
in: Modern Intellectual History, v. 19 (2022), issue 4: pp.1208-1226.
The Qiang and the Question of Human Sacrifice in the Late Shang Period
in: Asian Perspectives, v. 35 (1996), issue 1: pp.1-26.
To Die for God: Martyrs’ Heaven in Hebrew and Latin Crusade Narratives
in: Speculum, v. 77 (2002), issue 2: pp.311–341.
2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Making Things Sacred: Re-theorizing the Nature and Function of Sacrifice in Modernity
in: Journal of Classical Sociology, v. 13 (2013), issue : pp.319-337.
The Serpent and the Sacrifice: An Anthill Myth from Tiruvārūr
in: History of Religions, v. (1978), issue 18/2: pp.107-137.