Smith, A. M.

The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Isaac in Early Christian Art

Related Documents:

Moses Uri ben Shraga Bloch; Abraham bar Eliezer Katz

The Sacrifice of Isaac (1692)

from: Ze'enah u-Re'enah

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, A. Hebr. 106, fol. 15v

Anderson, G. A. ; Freedman, D. N. F. (Ed.)

Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings (OT)

in: Anchor Bible Dictionary, pp. 870-886

Yale : Yale University Press, 1992.

Keywords: Bible

Avraham ben Yaakov Ha-Levi from Ahrweiler Yosef ben Elazar from Mainz

The Sacrifice of Isaac

from: Germany

Frankfurt Stadtbibliothek, Ms. Hebr. Oct. 31, fol. 21v