Topic: 7. Sacrifices of self: Martirology and Catholic global missions (16th-18th Century)

From the sixteenth to the eighteenth Century, Catholic missionary endeavors across the globe produced a wealth of sources that shed light on various forms of sacrifice. These sources often intertwine factual accounts with the emphasis on martyrdom, adopting specific theological, narrative, and iconographic frameworks. This section presents a comprehensive collection of early modern printed sources and images that illustrate these dynamics. Additionally, it includes a thorough bibliography covering scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing contemporary insights into the historical context and significance of these sacrifices.

Displaying results from 221 to 240 of 249


Idolatres (1685)

from: Allain Manesson Mallet, Description de l'Univers, , contenant les differents systêmes du monde, les cartes générals et particulières de la géographie ancienne et modern. Vol.: De l'Asie.

Martyn, William Frederick

A Gentoo Burning Herself (1783)

from: The Geographical Magazine, London, Harrison & Co., 1783

Melchior Küsel (drawing by Karel Škréta)

Muerte de los jesuitas Roque Gonzáles de Santa Cruz y Alonso Rodríguez a manos de los guaraníes (1628) (1675)

from: Tanner, Mathias. Societas Iesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, [...] in causa fidei, & virtutis propugnatae, violenta morte toto orbe sublati sunt, Praga, Typis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae in Collegio Societatis Jesu ad S. Clementem, 1675. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University , Providence, Rhode Island

Melchior Küsel (drawing by Karel Škréta)

Muerte del padre Gonzalo de Tapia a manos de los nativos de Sinaloa (1675)

from: Tanner, Mathias. Societas Iesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, [...] in causa fidei, & virtutis propugnatae, violenta morte toto orbe sublati sunt, Praga, Typis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae in Collegio Societatis Jesu ad S. Clementem, 1675. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University , Providence, Rhode Island

Mercator, Gerhard

Atlas Japan (1613)

from: Mercator, G. Atlas Sive Cosmographicae Meditationes, Amsterdam, Hondius, 1613

Parets, Miquel

Frare crucificat (1628)

from: De molts successos que han succeït dins Barcelona i molts altres llocs de Catalunya dignes de memòria

University Library, Barcelona

Picart, Bernard

Manner in which they Bury Themselves (1728)

from: Picart, B. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses des Peuples Idolatres, tome II, Amsterdam, 1728

London, Wellcome Collection

Robert Melville Grindlay

Preparation for a Suttee (1816)

British Library, London (

Displaying results from 221 to 240 of 249