Topic: 0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century)

This section offers a curated bibliography on the concept of sacrifice from the 19th to the 21st Century. It includes a wide range of studies from theological, philosophical, historical, anthropological, iconographic and psycho-analytical perspectives. The collection, which includes books, journal articles and encyclopaedia entries, aims to explore the evolution and interpretation of sacrificial practices through modern and contemporary lenses, and to provide a theoretical framework for understanding sacrifice.

Displaying results from 161 to 180 of 366

Facchini, C. ; Leghissa, G. - Manera, E. (Eds.)

Mito e rito nella riflessione teorica di Durkheim e Mauss

Roma: Carocci, 2020.

Freud, Sigmund

Die Zukunft einer Illusion

Leipzig, Wien und Zürich: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1927.

Fudge, T. A.; Middleton, P. (Ed.)

Bohemian Martyrdom at the Dawn of the Reformation

in: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Christian Martyrdom , pp. 255-270

Chichester: John Wiley, 2020.

Girard, René

Le sacrifice

Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2003 [open access].

Girard, René

Le bouc émissaire

Paris: Éditions Grasset, 1982.

Girard, René

Le bouc émissaire

Paris: Éditions Grasset, 1982.

Displaying results from 161 to 180 of 366