Topic: 0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century)
This section offers a curated bibliography on the concept of sacrifice from the 19th to the 21st Century. It includes a wide range of studies from theological, philosophical, historical, anthropological, iconographic and psycho-analytical perspectives. The collection, which includes books, journal articles and encyclopaedia entries, aims to explore the evolution and interpretation of sacrificial practices through modern and contemporary lenses, and to provide a theoretical framework for understanding sacrifice.
Les instruments du martyre (1611)
from: L. Richeome, La Peinture spirituelle ou l'Art d'admirer aimer et louer Dieu en toutes ses oeuvres, et tirer de toutes profit saluter, Lyonne, Pierre Rigaud, 1611, p. 672
Culte du Démon (The Cult of the Demon), from Les Sacrifices (The Sacrifices) (1625-1627)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Le Culte de Dieu (The Worship of God), from Les Sacrifices (The Sacrifices) (1625-1627)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Le Culte des Hommes (The Worship of Men), from Les Sacrifices (The Sacrifices) (1625-1627)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York