Keyword: Persia

Displaying results from 1 to 20 of 35

Anonymous / Unknown

Abraham's Sacrifice (1600?-1650?)

from: Mîr Hwând, Rawzat al-safâ (Le lieu de repos des Purs) [Suppl. Persan 1567, fol. 50v]


Anonymous / Unknown

Candrahasa sacrifices himself cutting off pieces of his own flesh and putting them on the fire [1598]

from: Razmnāmah by Abhinanda, India (The last volume of the Persian translation of the Mahābhārata commissioned in 990 by Akbar)

London, British Library, Or 12076 folio: 90v

Anonymous / Unknown

Sacrifice of the Camel (1666)

from: Della Valle, Pietro, De volkome beschryving der voortreffelijke reizen van de deurluchtige reisiger Pietro della Valle, edelman van Romen, in veel voorname gewesten des werrelts, sedert het jaer 1615, tot in 't jaar 1626 gedaan. Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1666, vol. 1, pag. 128

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Isaac [1581]

from: Ishâq al-Nishâpûrî, Histoire du Coran ou Histoires des prophètes et des rois du passé. Qesas al-anbiyâ [Persan 54, fol. 32v]

Paris, BnF, ms Persan 54 fol. 32v

Anonymous / Unknown

Zacharias sawn in half in a tree (1570-1580)

from: Qazwin, Iran

Dallas Museum of Art (Keir Collection), Dallas K.1.2014.1166 (III.278) folio: 231r

Blake, S.


in: Time in Early Modern Islam: Calendar, Ceremony, and Chronology in the Safavid, Mughal and Ottoman Empires, pp. 76-106

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


Ibrahim about to sacrifice Ismail. Cebrail (Gabriel) stands nearby holding the ram. (Late 16th/Early 17th)

from: A miniature painting from a manuscript of Hadikat us-suada, a history of the holy martyrs of the Prophet's family [Ms Or. 12009, fol.19v]

British Library, London [from Turkey]

Displaying results from 1 to 20 of 35