Keyword: Animal Sacrifice
The sacrifice at the altar of Apollo (1571)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Scene of a sacrifice [1545]
Museo Capodimonte, Napoli
Allegory of Triumph and Sacrifice [1520]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Scene of Animal Sacrifice (1668)
from: Der gantzen Welt Religionen oder Beschreibung aller Gottes- und Götzendienste wie auch Ketzereyen in Asia, Africa, America und Europa, Amsterdam, Joach. Nosch, 1668
Scene of idolatrous sacrifice (1668)
from: Der gantzen Welt Religionen oder Beschreibung aller Gottes- und Götzendienste wie auch Ketzereyen in Asia, Africa, America und Europa, Amsterdam, Joach. Nosch, 1668
Consacration of Decius Mus (1616 - 1617)
Prince of Liechtenstein's Collections, Wien
Sacrifice of Abel
from: Istituto Centrale per la Grafica
Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Fondo Corsini; volume 36H3
Sacrifice of Lystra (1515)
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Sacrifice of a Pig [1547 - 1587]
RISD Museum, Providence
A bull offered in sacrifice to Jupiter (16th Century)
Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome
Pagan Sacrifice of King Ahaz (1646)
from: Bibels tresoor, ofte der zielen lusthof, vytgebeelt in figueren, door verscheyden meesters. Ende gesneden, door Christoffel van Sichem, Amsterdam, P. I. Paets, 1646, p. 592
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
The sacrifice of Moses (1586)
Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1671)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Captivos rex Asa boves promissaq. reddit [...] [1589]
Bibliothèque municipale, Bordeaux
"The First Adventure of the White Horse". The king performed the horse sacrifice in order to determine the extent of his rule. For one year a horse wanders and every land through which the horse passes becomes part of the king’s territory. Arjuna following the horse encountered the son-in-law of the god of fire, Agni, who creates a river of fire to block the warriors. Arjuna pleads with Agni, the god of fire that the horse be allowed to pass, saying that the horse sacrifice is in accordance with sacred Vedic injunctions, and that at the end of the year, the horse will be sacrificed to him, the god of fire himself. (1610-1617)
from: Page from the Khan Khanan's Razm Nama (Book of Wars)
The Cleveland Museum of Art