Keyword: India
Manner in which they Bury Themselves (1728)
from: Picart, B. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses des Peuples Idolatres, tome II, Amsterdam, 1728
London, Wellcome Collection
De orbe nouo Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis Protonotarij Cesaris senatoris decade
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Sacrifice In The Rgveda (Its Nature, Influence, Origin and Growth)
Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1953.
Human sacrifices in India : substance of the speech of John Poynder
London: Hatchard and Son, 1827.
A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with Those of the Hindoos and Other Ancient Nations
Northumberland: Kennedy, 1799.
The Subject of Satı: Pain and Death in the Contemporary Discourse on Satı’
in Yale Journal of Criticism, Vol. 3, no. 2 (1990), pp. 1–23.: , 1990.
The Fragmentation of Sati: Constructing Hindu identity through nationalistic pilgrimage souvenirs
in: Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, v. 27 (2015), issue --: pp.12-35.
Delle navigationi et viaggi, 3 vols.
Venice: Lucantonio Giunti, 1550.
Preparation for a Suttee (1816)
British Library, London (
Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance South India through European Eyes, 1250–1625
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Abbruciamento delle mogli vedove (1740-56)
Policing Sati: Law, Order, and Spectacle in Postcolonial India
in: Law and History Review, v. (2023), issue : pp.1-23.
The Impartial Spectator of Sati, 1757-84
in: Eighteenth-Century Studies, v. 42 (2008), issue 1: pp.19-44.