Keyword: Disputes
Raymond Lull Demonstrating the Truth of Christianity to Infidels through Intellectual and Rational Arguments (Breviculum, miniature IX). [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature IX).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
The origins of Raymond Lull's works and his explication of the Christian theory of Sacrifice (Breviculum, miniature I) [1325]
from: Breviculum o Vida de Mestre Ramon. Latin XIV century Codex with Miniatures by Thomas Le Myésier (miniature I).
The Codex is conserved at the Karlsruhe Badischen Landesbibliothek (Germany), Karlsruhe, Bad. L. Bibl. 92.
A vindication of the right reverend the Ld. Bishop of Norwich: from the undeserved reflections of Mr. John Johnson, in his book The unbloody sacrifice and altar unvailed and supported
London: John Morphew, 1714.
De Augustissimo Eucharistiae Sacramento Et Sacrificio Theologica Disputatio
Dillingen an der Donau: Ioannes Mayer, 1588.
Disputatio de Eucharistiae sacramento et missae sacrificio per theses explicata publiceque defensa (respondente Sebastiano Faber)
Ingolstadt: [Alexander] Weissenhorn ; [Samuel] Weissenhorn, 1566.
A criticism upon modern notions of sacrifices being an examination of Dr. Taylor's scripture-doctrine of atonement examined, In Relation I. To Jewish Sacrifices. II. To the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. To which is added an appendix, containing an examination of another notion of Jewish sacrifices, which is exhibited in an anonymous Piece
London: C. Henderson, T. Becket, P. A. de Hondt, 1761.
The christian sacrifice explained: in a charge delivered in part to the Middlesex clergy at St. Clement-Danes, April the 20th, 1738. To which is added an appendix
London: [William] Innys ; [Richard] Manby, 1738.