The christian sacrifice explained: in a charge delivered in part to the Middlesex clergy at St. Clement-Danes, April the 20th, 1738. To which is added an appendix
The christian sacrifice explained: in a charge delivered in part to the Middlesex clergy at St. Clement-Danes, April the 20th, 1738. To which is added an appendix
London: [William] Innys ; [Richard] Manby, 1738.
2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century)
2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 4. Sacrifice and Eucharist (16th-18th Century)
Authority file:
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
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A sermon of the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper
London: T. and R. C. for Henry Seile, 1641.