Editor: Elisa Frei

Displaying results from 61 to 80 of 181

Anonymous / Unknown

Iumento impolitus (1646)

from: Cardim, A.F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Rome, Corbelletti, 1646

Anonymous / Unknown

Japanese Tortures (17th century)

from: Kirishitantaiji monogatari (Omata-Rappo, Des Indes lointaines aux scènes des collèges: les reflets des martyrs de la mission japonaise en Europe (XVI -XVIII siècle) (2016), fig. 71)

Anonymous / Unknown

Japponische Beschreibung (1599)

from: Froís, L .Drey Japponische Schreiben, Mainz, Albin, 1599

Anonymous / Unknown

Leonardus Kimura Iappon (1646)

from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646

Anonymous / Unknown

Les femmes Indiennes se brulent (1725)

from: van der Aa, P. La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales, Leiden, c. 1725


Anonymous / Unknown

Les veuves du Cormandel (1725)

from: van der Aa, P. La galerie agreable du monde. Tome premier des Indes Orientales, Leiden, c. 1725


Anonymous / Unknown

Ludovicus Cauara? Iappon (1646)

from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646

Anonymous / Unknown

Märtyrer von Nagasaki (1628)

from: Kilian, W. A.. Drey Seelige Martyrer der Societet Jesu, Augsburg, 1628

Anonymous / Unknown

Martyrs of Japan (1668)

from: Hazart, C. Kirchen-Geschichte, vol. I, p. 196 (Omata-Rappo, Des Indes lointaines aux scènes des collèges: les reflets des martyrs de la mission japonaise en Europe (XVI -XVIII siècle) (2016), fig 123)

Anonymous / Unknown

Martyrs of Japan (1608)

from: Ricci, B. Triumphus Jesu Christi crucifixi, Antwerp, Joannes Moretus, 1608 (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucifixion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 142)

John Burns Library, Boston

Anonymous / Unknown

Martyrs of Japan2 (1608)

from: Ricci, B. Triumphus Jesu Christi crucifixi, Antwerp, Joannes Moretus, 1608 (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucificion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 143)

John Burns Library, Boston

Anonymous / Unknown

Martyrs of Nagasaki (1626)

from: Speed, J. The Kingdome of China Newly Augmented (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucifixion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 136)

Harvard Pussey Library, Boston

Anonymous / Unknown

Martyrum pretiosa mors (1640)

from: Imago primi saeculi (Omata-Rappo, Des Indes lointaines aux scènes des collèges: les reflets des martyrs de la mission japonaise en Europe (XVI -XVIII siècle) (2016), fig 98

Anonymous / Unknown

Matthias Sanga Iappon (1646)

from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646

Anonymous / Unknown

Michael et Linus (1623)

from: Trigault, N. De Christianis Apvd Iaponios Trivmphis, Munich, Sadeler, 1623

Anonymous / Unknown

Michael Xumpo Iappon (1646)

from: Cardim, F. Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, Roma, Corbelletti, 1646

Anonymous / Unknown

Naauw-keurige aanteekeningen van William Methold (1707)

from: van der Aa, P. Naauw-keurige aanteekeningen van William Methold, Presiden van de Engelsse Maatschappy, gehouden op sijn Voyagie, in het jaar 1619, Leiden, 1619


Displaying results from 61 to 80 of 181