Martyrs of Japan2
Year: 1608
From: Ricci, B. Triumphus Jesu Christi crucifixi, Antwerp, Joannes Moretus, 1608 (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucificion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 143)
Location: John Burns Library, Boston
Related Documents:
Ioachimus et Tomas (1623)
from: Trigault, N. De Christianis Apvd Iaponios Trivmphis, Munich, Sadeler, 1623
Märtyrer von Nagasaki (1628)
from: Kilian, W. A.. Drey Seelige Martyrer der Societet Jesu, Augsburg, 1628
Iaponia pro Christi fide Ioanna & Agnes coniugatae, Magdalena vidua, ac Ludovicus adoptus filiolu (1608)
from: Ricci, B. Triumphus Jesu Christi crucifixi, Antwerp, Joannes Moretus, 1608 (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucificion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 145)
John Burns Library, Boston
Martyrs of Japan (1608)
from: Ricci, B. Triumphus Jesu Christi crucifixi, Antwerp, Joannes Moretus, 1608 (Omata-Rappo, H. Death on the Cross; the Beatification of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki (1627) and the Iconography of the Crucifixion, in Universo Barroco Iberoamericano 16 (2020) p. 142)
John Burns Library, Boston
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