Editor: Chiara Petrolini
I sacrifici e la storia della religione nella Scienza nuova di Vico
in: Archivio di Storia della Cultura, v. 21 (2018), issue -: pp.231–250.
Human Sacrifice at Tenochtitlan
in: Comparative Studies in Society and History, v. 26 (1984), issue 3: pp.379-400.
Hunting, Sacrifice and the Domestication of Animals
in: The Appropriation of Nature: Essays on Human Ecology and Social Relations, pp.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
From the Master’s Point of View : Hunting is Sacrifice
in: ournal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, v. 21 (2015), issue 1: pp.24-27.
Cattolici, antisemitismo e sangue. Il mito dell'omicidio rituale. In appendice il voto del cardinale Lorenzo Ganganelli, O.F.M. (poi Papa Clemente XIV) approvato il 24 dicembre 1759
Milano: Sugarco, 2004.
The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Abraham
in: Vigiliae Christianae , v. 15 (1961), issue 4: pp.214–55.
Missionary Methodology and the Making of Aztec Human Sacrifice: Decolonizing a Concept
in: Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, v. (2023), issue : pp.1-36.
Sacrificed Wife, Sacrificer's Wife: Women, Ritual, and Hospitality in Ancient India
New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Inventing the Scapegoat: Theories of Sacrifice and Ritual
in: Journal of Ritual Studies, v. 25 (2011), issue 1: pp.15-24.
The Semiosis of Blood
in: Signs and Society, v. 3 (2015), issue 2: pp.193-208.
Sin and Expiation
in: The Oxford Handbook of Ritual and Worship in the Hebrew Bible, pp. 1-14
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Throughout Your Generations Forever: Sacrifice, Religion, and Paternity
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Myth and Cult among Primitive Peoples
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963 [1951].
in: L'accusa del sangue. La macchina mitologica antisemita, pp.
Milano: Bollati Boringhieri, 2007.