Editor: Chiara Petrolini

Displaying results from 281 to 300 of 1526

Barbu, Daniel; Wyss-Giacosa, P. - Tarantino, G. (Eds.)

Afterword Cannibalism and History

in: Through Your Eyes: Religious Alterity and the Early Modern Western Imagination, pp. 267–285

Leiden: Brill, 2021.

Keywords: Cannibalism

Barrett, T. H.; Bremmer, J. N. (Ed.)

Human Sacrifice and Self-Sacrifice in China: A Century of Revelation

in: The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, pp. 237-257

Leuven: Peeters, 2007.

Keywords: China

Bartoli, Pietro Santi (after Raffaello Sanzio) 1635-1700

The sacrifice of Cain and Abel (1675)

Royal Collection Trust

Bassano, Jacopo /Jacopo da Ponte) 1510-1592


from: Italy, Veneto

Blanton Museum of Art Collections, Austin, Texas

Bataille, G. - Strauss, J.

Hegel, Death and Sacrifice

in: Yale French Studies, v. 78 (0. General bibliography (19th-21th century)), issue : pp.9-28.

Bataille, Georges

Théorie de la religion

Paris: Gallimard, 1973.

Batchelor, J.; Eliade, Mircea (Ed.)

The Ainu bear sacrifice

in: From primitives to Zen: a thematic sourcebook on the history of religions, pp. 206-211

London: Collins, 1967 [1909].

Beccafumi, Domenico 1486-1551

The sacrifice of Elijah (1519-1524)

Siena Cathedral

Keywords: BibleElijahFire

Bel, A.

La Fête des Sacrifices en Berbérie

in: Cinquantenaire de la Faculté des Lettres d’Alger (1881-1931), pp. 87-125

Alger: Société Historique Algérienne, 1, 1932.

Keywords: IslamMaghreb

Bell, B.; Bonte, P. - Brisebarre A. M. - Gokalp A (Eds.)

«Ouvrir toutes les portes». Le sang sacrificiel chez les Gnawa du Maroc

in: Sacrifices en Islam: Espaces et temps d'un rituel, pp.

Paris: CNRS, 1999.

Belli Bose, Melia

Devi Kund Sagar: The Iconography of Satī and Its Absence in Bikaner’s Chatrīs

in: Royal Umbrellas of Stone: Memory, Politics, and Public Identity in Rajput Funerary Art, pp. 213–247

Leiden: Brill, 2015.

Displaying results from 281 to 300 of 1526