Topic: 7. Sacrifices of self: Martirology and Catholic global missions (16th-18th Century)
From the sixteenth to the eighteenth Century, Catholic missionary endeavors across the globe produced a wealth of sources that shed light on various forms of sacrifice. These sources often intertwine factual accounts with the emphasis on martyrdom, adopting specific theological, narrative, and iconographic frameworks. This section presents a comprehensive collection of early modern printed sources and images that illustrate these dynamics. Additionally, it includes a thorough bibliography covering scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing contemporary insights into the historical context and significance of these sacrifices.
Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde
Amsterdam: J. F. Bernard, 1723-24.
Li sacri eroi del Giappone tragedia sacra del sig; Giuseppe Berneri romano
Rome: Francesco Tizzoni, 1683.
Orbis terrarum epitome in qua mores, leges, ritus omnium gentium : una cum Henrici Farnesii ... Castigatione, et censura: rerumque admirabilium additamentis / per Ioannem Boemum Aubanum Teutonicum ex multis Clarissimis scriptoribus collecti continentur
Papiae: Andr. Vianus, 1596.
L’imperatore della Cina
Milan: Guanda, 2015.
Enquiries Touching the Diuersity of Languages and Religions Throughout the Cheife Parts of the World
London: Eliot's Court Press for John Bill, 1614.
Historia Tragico Maritima: Em que se escrevem chronologicamente os Naufragios que tiverão as Naus de Portugal, depois que se poz em exercicio a Navegação da India
Lisbon: Officina da Congregação do Oratório, 1735-36.
Christian Researches in Asia. With Notices of the Translation of the Scriptures Into the Oriental Languages
London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1814.
Cronica moralizada del Orden de San Augustín en el Peru con sucesos ejemplares en esta Monarquia
Barcelona: Pedro Lacavalleria, 1638.