Topic: 7. Sacrifices of self: Martirology and Catholic global missions (16th-18th Century)
From the sixteenth to the eighteenth Century, Catholic missionary endeavors across the globe produced a wealth of sources that shed light on various forms of sacrifice. These sources often intertwine factual accounts with the emphasis on martyrdom, adopting specific theological, narrative, and iconographic frameworks. This section presents a comprehensive collection of early modern printed sources and images that illustrate these dynamics. Additionally, it includes a thorough bibliography covering scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing contemporary insights into the historical context and significance of these sacrifices.
La Religion des Malabars. Tessier de Quéralay et la contribution des missionnaires européens à la naissance de l’indianisme
Immensee: Nouvelle revue de science missionnaire, 1982.
Pietas Austriaca als Reich Gottes in Japan: Jesuitentheater am Wiener Kaiserhof
in: Studien des Instituts für die Kultur der deutschsprachigen Länder, v. 10 (1993), issue : pp.36–84.
The Origin of Evil in Hindu Mythology
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.
Jean de Brébeuf, 1593-1649
Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1976.
Miles Iaponus et Christianus: Japanische Märtyrer auf der Jesuitenbühne
in: Fremde Helden auf europäischen Bühnen (1600–1900), pp. 49-70
Würzburg: Ergon, 2017.
'La rhétorique de la violence sur la scène jésuite: L’exemple des tragédiesde Pierre Mousson (S.J.)'
in: Shakespeare en devenir: Les cahiers de La Licorne, v. 5 (2011), issue : pp..
Deus Destroyed: The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973.
Imperial Spain 1469-1716
London: Penguin, 1963.
'Pedro Kibe Kasui'
in: L'Osservatorio Romano, v. 28 (2008), issue : pp.10-11.
Los protomártires del Japón en la hagiografía novohispana
in: Los pinceles de la historia. De la patria criolla a la nación mexicana, 1750-1860, ed. Jaime Soler (Ciudad de México: Museo Nacional de Arte, 2000)
: , 2000.
Epochs of Chinese & Japanese Art. An Outline History of East Asiatic Design
London-New York: William Heinemann-Friedrich A. Stokes Company, 1912-1921.
Prints Crossing Genres: Sixteenth-Century Iconographies of Old World Martyrdom and New World Sacrifice
in: Sacrifice and Conversion in the Early Modern Atlantic, pp. 321-348
Florence: Harvard University Press- Villa I Tatti , 2022.
The Jesuits in Malabar
Bangalore: King and co., 1951.
Die flambierte Frau: Sati in European Culture
in: Sati, the Blessing and the Curse: The Burning of Wives in India, pp. 35-50
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Sati and the Task of the Historian
in: Journal of World History, v. 18 (2007), issue 3: pp.361-368.
«Illuminare gli infedeli, soccorrere l'afflitti christiani priggioni». Il martirio di Juan de Prado (Marrakech 1631)
in: 'Quaderni Storici', v. 126 (2007), issue 3: pp.773 - 818.