Topic: 7. Sacrifices of self: Martirology and Catholic global missions (16th-18th Century)

From the sixteenth to the eighteenth Century, Catholic missionary endeavors across the globe produced a wealth of sources that shed light on various forms of sacrifice. These sources often intertwine factual accounts with the emphasis on martyrdom, adopting specific theological, narrative, and iconographic frameworks. This section presents a comprehensive collection of early modern printed sources and images that illustrate these dynamics. Additionally, it includes a thorough bibliography covering scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing contemporary insights into the historical context and significance of these sacrifices.

Displaying results from 281 to 300 of 472

Nebgen, C.

Renascimento do ideal de martírio na Época Moderna

in: Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões, v. 8 (2009), issue 15: pp.129-145.

Nicolaides, A.

Early Portuguese Imperialism: Using the Jesuits in the Mutapa Empire of Zimbabwe

in: International Journal of Peace and Development Studies, v. 2 (2011), issue 4: pp.132-137.

Oba, H.; Huwiler, E. (Ed.)

Theater und bildende Kunst der Jesuiten: Die frühneuzeitlichen Japanbilder im deutschen Sprachgebiet

in: Das Theater des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit: Kulturelle Verhandlungen in einer Zeit des Wandels, pp. 81-102

Heidelberg: Synchron Wissenschaftsverlag der Autoren, 2015.

Oberhammer, G.

Inklusivismus. Eine indische Denkform

Wien: Institut für Indologie der Universität Wien, 1983.

Okon, J.

Sul teatro dei gesuiti nell’antica Polonia

in: Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu, v. 51 (1982), issue : pp.319-328.

Oliveira e Costa, J.

Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Christian Daimyó during the Crisis of 1600

in: Bulletin of Portuguese/Japanese Studies , v. 7 (2003), issue : pp.45-71.

Displaying results from 281 to 300 of 472