Topic: 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Spanning from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, this section delves into the complex world of religiously motivated wars, where martyrdom and self-sacrifice dedicated to God played a pivotal role. It offers an extensive collection of printed sources and images that trace the evolution of this phenomenon through the crusades, the Reconquista, and various holy wars. This assortment includes materials from the twelfth to the twentieth century and provides a comprehensive bibliography that examines these events from both sacred and secular viewpoints.
Sacred Pain Hurting the Body for the Sake of the Soul
Oxford: Oxford University Press, .
Historia de la bula de Cruzada en España
Vitoria: Editorial del Seminario, 1958.
Documents algériens
in: Revue Africaine, v. XXXV (1891), issue : pp.97-108.
Torture and Truth in Late Antique Martyrology
in: Early Medieval Europe, v. 2 (2002), issue 4: pp.321–336.
Torture and Truth in Late Antique Martyrology
in: Early Medieval Europe, v. 2 (2002), issue 4: pp.321–336.
Eulogio de Córdoba y las reliquias de los mártires
in: Revista Historia Autónoma, v. 11 (2017), issue : pp.279 - 297.
Morir por la patria, morir por la fe. La ideología de la Historia de Rebus Hispaniae
in: Cuadernos de Historia de España, v. (1991), issue LXXIII: pp.75-104.
Christianity and Islam in Spain (A.D. 756 - 1031)
London: Kegan Paul, Trench &Co., Paternoster Square, 1889.
Sainteté martyriale et communauté de salut. Une lecture du dossier des martyrs de Cordoue (milieu IXe siècle).
in: Guerriers et moines. Conversion et sainteté aristocratiques dans l'Occident médiéval, pp. 93 - 139
Nice (France): CNRS, 2002.
Anales de Granada. Descripción del reino y ciudad de Granada. Crónica de la Reconquista (1482-1492). Sucesos de los años 1588 a 1646, editada según un manuscrito por Alonso Marín
Granada: University of Granada - Municipality of Granada, 1987.
Moros y Cristianos. Historia popular de la reconquista de España
Santander: Administración de Sal de Terre, 1926.
The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives
New York: Routledge, 1999.
Mártires de la Alpujarra en la rebelión de los moriscos (1568)
Madrid: Apostolado de la Prensa, 1935.
Mártires de la Alpujarra en la rebelión de los moriscos (1568)
Granada: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, 1993.
Contesting the crusades
Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
Fighting for the cross: crusading to the holy land
New Haven - London: Yale University press, 2008.
The Avignon Papacy and the Crusades, 1305-1378
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
The later crusades, 1274-1580: from Lyons to Alcazar
New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.