Topic: 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Spanning from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, this section delves into the complex world of religiously motivated wars, where martyrdom and self-sacrifice dedicated to God played a pivotal role. It offers an extensive collection of printed sources and images that trace the evolution of this phenomenon through the crusades, the Reconquista, and various holy wars. This assortment includes materials from the twelfth to the twentieth century and provides a comprehensive bibliography that examines these events from both sacred and secular viewpoints.
Martyrdom and the Muslim World through Franciscan Eyes
in: The Catholic Historical Review, v. 97 (2011), issue 1: pp.1-23.
Crusade Propaganda and Ideology: Model Sermons for the Preaching of the Cross
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Preaching the Crusades: Mendicant Friars and the Cross in theThirteenth Century
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Relación hecha por Luis de Mármol del estandarte que se tomó a los turcos en la batalla naval de Lepanto, s. XVI
in: CO.DO.IN. (Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España), pp. 270-273
Madrid: Viuda de Calero, 1842 - 1895.
La Corona de Aragón. Páginas de la Reconquista: del año 850 al 1350.
Madrid: Dirección y Administración [G. Estrada], 1882.
Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Kreuzzüge
Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung , 1960.
Geschichte der Kreuzzuge
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag , 1965.
Select Bibliography of the Crusades
in: A History of the Crusades , pp. 511-664
Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1989.
Il martirio volontario. Una storia condivisa nell’ebraismo, nel cristianesimo e nell’islam
in: Cristianesimo nella storia , v. 27 (2006), issue 1: pp..
Leyendas del último rey Godo
Madrid: Tipografía de la revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, 1906.
La España del Cid
Madrid: Espasa - Calpe, 1947.
Ideologia di cristianità e pratica della «guerra giusta»
in: Chiesa e guerra. Dalla «benedizione delle armi» alla «Pacem in terris», pp. 91-127
Bologna: il Mulino, 2005.
La resistenza musulmana e i martiri dell'Islam: Moriscos, schiavi e cristiani rinnegati di fronte all'inquisizione spagnola di Sicilia
in: Quaderni storici, v. 42 (2007), issue 126/3: pp.743–772.
Radical Martyrdom and Cosmic Conflict in Early Christianity.
New York - London: T&T Clark, 2006.
What is martyrdom?
in: Mortality, v. 19 (2014), issue : pp.117 - 133.
Martirio y resurrección. La Merced en la Corona de Aragón (1800-1936)
Barcelona: Provincia Mercedaria de la Inmaculada, 1991.
Mitografía hagiomartirial. De nuevo sobre los supuestos mártires cordobeses del siglo IX.
in: De muerte violenta. Política, religión y violencia en al-Andalus, pp. 415 - 450
Madrid: CSIC, 2004.