Topic: 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
During the transformative period of the 16th to 18th centuries, the notion of the State evolved into a nearly mystical entity, perceived as immortal and worthy of the ultimate sacrifice. This section delves into the complex interplay between sovereignty, resistance, and sacrifice, a theme explored by early proponents of political tolerance. It also examines revolutionary acts and regicide, viewed through the lens of sacrificial rites. This section includes early modern printed and iconographic sources, along with a comprehensive bibliography from the 19th to 21st centuries, providing a historical and modern perspective on this complex theme
Treur-toonneel der doorluchtige mannen, of Op- en Ondergang der grooten, vertoont in rampzalige geschienissen van Keyzers, Koningen, Prinsen, Vorsten, en andere voorname personagien. Beginnende met het Roomsche Keizerryk, en vervolgende tot aan 't jaar 1698. Uit menigte van schryvers, en verscheidene taalen, by een gebracht door Lambert van den Bosch. Tweede deel, bevattende de derde en vierde afdeeling
Amsterdam: Jan ten Hoorn, 1698.
Il clero nella Guerra spagnola del 1936-1939
in: Clero e guerre spagnole in età contemporanea (1808-1939), pp. 367 - 397
Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Ed., 2011.
Mucius Scevola in front of Porsenna (18th Century)
Musée de l’Hôtel Sandelin, Saint-Omer
King Solomon Sacrificing to the Idols (1640(?))
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
Tales from Trent: The construction of “Saint” Simon in Manuscript and Print, 1475-1511
in: The Saint between Manuscript and Print: Authors, editors, publishers, readers and the phenomena of sanctity on the Italian peninsula, 1300-1600, pp. 185-215
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
The Sacrifice of King Oetes (16th Century)
from: Gohory, Jacques. Livre de la Conqueste de la Toison d'or, par le Prince Jason de Tessalie : faict par figures avec exposition d'icelles, [Paris], n.p., 1563, no page
Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Paris
Violence in the Middle East: from political struggle to self-sacrifice
Princeton: Wiener, 2004.
Dismembered: Citizen Sacrifice in Rousseau's “The Levite of Ephraïm”
in: The Review of Politics, v. 81 (2019), issue 2: pp.231-253.
2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
Barnabae Brissonii regii consistorii consiliarii, amplissimque senatus Parisiensis praesidis, De formulis et sollemnibus populi romani verbis, libri VIII: omnibus politioris litteraturae, cumprimis Iurisprudentiae studiosis utiles et necessarii; in quibus varii bonorum auctorum loci emendantur, supplentur, notantur, illustrantur. Opus magno labore ab auctore congestum; nunc vero diligenter recognitum et a prioribus mendis purgatum. Adiecti sunt rerum et verborum indices locupletissimi
Frankfurt: Apud Ioannem Wechelum et Petrum Fischerum, 1592.
Martyrdom in Sunni Revivalist Thought
in: Sacrificing the Self: Perspectives on Martyrdom and Religion, pp.
Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, .
Civil war and religion in medieval Japan and medieval Europe: War for the Gods, emotions at death and treason
in: The Indian Economic & Social History Review, v. 57 (2020), issue 2: pp.261-287.
Sacrificial Violence: A Problem in Ancient Religions
in: The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence, pp. 437–454
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century) 3. Sacrifice and politics (16th-18th Century)
Le radici cristiane dell'antisemitismo politico (fine XIX-XX secolo)
in: Alle origini dell'antisemitismo politico: l'accusa di omicidio rituale nel Sei-Settecento tra autodifesa degli ebrei e pronunciamenti papali, pp. 25-59
Roma: Ecole Française de Rome, 2003.
L’omicidio Rituale Nell’italia del Settecento Tra Polemica Antigiudaica Ed Erudizione Agiografica
in: Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa, v. 38 (2002), issue 2: pp.475-508.