Topic: 0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century)
This section offers a curated bibliography on the concept of sacrifice from the 19th to the 21st Century. It includes a wide range of studies from theological, philosophical, historical, anthropological, iconographic and psycho-analytical perspectives. The collection, which includes books, journal articles and encyclopaedia entries, aims to explore the evolution and interpretation of sacrificial practices through modern and contemporary lenses, and to provide a theoretical framework for understanding sacrifice.
Human Sacrifice in Japan
in: The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, pp. 229-236
Leuven - Paris - Dudley: Peeters, 2007.
Studies on Sacrifice, 1970-1980
in: Religious Studies Review, v. (1982), issue 8: pp.253-259.
Sacrifice Imagined: Violence, Atonement, and the Sacred
New York: Continuum, 2011.
The Broken World of Sacrifice: An Essay in Ancient Indian Ritual
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Sacrifice symbolique ou sacrifice efficace
in: a Fonction symbolique. Essai d’anthropologie
Paris: Gallimard, 1979.
Imitators of Christ: The Martyr-Cycles of Late sixteenth-Century Rome Seen in Context
in: Storia dell'arte, v. 62 (1988), issue : pp.53-70.
Kings and Councillors: An Essay in the Comparative Anatomy of Human Society
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
Catholic Resistance in Elizabethan England. Robert Persons’s Jesuit Polemic, 1580-1610
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice
Paris: Félix Alcan, 1899.
Culture and Sacrifice: Ritual Death in Literature and Opera
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Hunting, Sacrifice and the Domestication of Animals
in: The Appropriation of Nature: Essays on Human Ecology and Social Relations, pp.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986.
0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century) 2. Sacrifice and religion: Comparisons, Antiquarians, Anthropology (16th-18th Century)
Origins of Sacrifice, A Study in Comparative Religion
London: J. Murray, 1993.
Vers le vrai Racine
Paris: Armand Colin, 1958.
Throughout Your Generations Forever: Sacrifice, Religion, and Paternity
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Myth and Cult among Primitive Peoples
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963 [1951].