Keyword: Jewish Studies
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R. Mosis Majemonidae De sacrificiis liber: Accesserunt Abarbanelis Exordium commentariorum in Leviticum : quo omnis omnium sacrificiorum ratio breviter ac dilucidè disputatur.
London: Flesher, 1683.
Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, or, Canticles Wherein the Hebrevv vvords and sentences, are compared with, and explained by the ancient Greeke and Chaldee versions, and other records and monuments of the Hebrewes: but chiefly by conference with the holy Scriptures, Moses his words, lawes and ordinances, the sacrifices, and other legall ceremonies heretofore commanded by God to the Church of Israel, are explained. With an advertisement touching some objections made against the sinceritie of the Hebrew text, and allegation of the Rabbines in these annotations. As also tables directing unto such principall things as are observed in the annotations upon each severall booke
London: M. Flesher ; J. Haviland ; John Bellamie, 1627.
Martirio di S. Simone di Trento nel quale si tratta de la gran crudeltà che vsarono gli empi ebrei in martirizarlo. et come è stato posto nel cattalogo de’ santi, & la solenne processione fatta nella sua prima festa, con molti miracoli fatti da esso santo
Trento: Battista Gelmini, 1593.
Abregé dv procés fait aux juifs de Mets. Avec trois arrests du parlement qui les declarent convaincus de plusieurs crimes, & particulierement Rahaël [Sic] Levi d’avoir enlevé sur le grand chemin de Mets à Boulay, un enfant chrestien âgé de trois ans: pour reparation de quoy il a esté brûlé vif le 17. janvier 1670
Paris: Frederic Leonard, 1670.
Crudelis judaeorum perfidia amabili christianae fidei constantia ab hebraeo adolescente Simone Abeles superata, pro theatro exhibita ab infima grammatices classe, Collegii Academici Societatis Jesu, Olomucii anno M.DCC.XXXVI
Prague: Collegii Academici Societatis Jesu, Olomucii anno M.DCC.XXXVI, 1736.
Relación verdadera en que se da cuenta muy por extenso del modo que tienen de vivir assi Moros, como Iudios de la ciudad de Argel, y del mal tratamiento y rigor que usan con los cautivos, y como les permiten que oigan Missa, y Sermon, y otras muchas cosas diversas de admiración. Escrita por un cautivo que ahora ha venido de allá (natural desta Villa, y Corte de Madrid) en la Redención que hizo el Convento de la Santísima Trinidad en 25. de Marzo [de] este año de 1639
Madrid: Diego Díaz, 1639.
Disputatio philologico-theologica, de sacrificio jugi prima: sive codex Talmudicus Tamid ex hebraeo sermone in latinum versus et commentariis illustratus. Quam volente Deo T.O.M. sub praesidio d. Johannis Vander Waeyen S. S. Theologiae doctoris, eiusque Facultatis ac Literaturae Hebraicae Professoris Clarissimi, Academici Concionatoris Facundissimi, Celsissimo Nassaviae Principi a Sanctioribus Consiliis defendet Michael Arnoldi Franeq. Frisius A. & R.
Franeker: Johann Gyselaer, 1680.
Libelli duo in misoliturgos, hoc est, missae osores quorum prior de Iudaeorum paganorumque sacrificiis generatim, posterior vero de unico Christianorum sacrificio late tractat
Gand: Cornelius Manilius, 1556.
L'Histoire et la Religion des Juifs, depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'à présent. Pour servir de Supplément et de Continuation à l’Histoire de Joseph
Rotterdam: Reinier Leers, 1707.
The royall priesthood of Christians: an excellent treatise, wherein the nature of the priesthood, the function of the priests, and qualitie of the sacrifice is lively portrayed, for the sure building up of the faithfull professors of the gospell, in holinesse and sanctitie of life
London: T. Este for Thomas Man, 1605.
Synagoga judaica, hoc est schola judaeorum, in qua nativitas, institutio, religio, vita, mors sepulturaque ipsorum, e libris eorundem, a M. Johanne Buxdorfio, descripta est. addita est mox per eundem judaei cum christiano disputatio de messia nostro. quae utraque germanica nunc latine reddita sunt, opera
Hanau: Hæredum Guilielmi Antoni, 1614.
Initia Sacrificiorum
Halæ: Institutus Judaicus et Muhammedaicus, 1738.
Mizbeah olah seu De ara exteriore templi secundi exercitationes philologicae. Ubi ea ex auctoribus Hebraeis exponitur, et cum gentium aris confertur, denique ad Christianorum altaria tum externa, tum mysticum applicatur
Leiden: Luchtmans, 1697.