Keyword: Jewish Studies – Image Gallery
Moses, an animal sacrifice on the altar and a ring of fire (1651-1725)
Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
Episodi della vita di Lorenzino da Marostica (1520-40)
Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio
Sacrificium sub Lege Naturae, Sacrificium sub Lege Moysis, Sacrificium sub Lege Evangelica (Three representations of sacrifices) (1588)
Royal Library of Belgium (S.IV 86279)
Shepherd sacrificing Ram
from: Book of Meshal Ha-Kadmoni (from Germany)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. hebr. 107 (Steinschneider 1895, No. 107), fol. 24
A Portugese Jewish circumcision ceremony (1714)
from: Picart, Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde
Wellcome Collection, London
Jews put to the flames (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 11v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Scapegoat sent to the wilderness where five wild beasts are waiting to devour it, and secondly the sacrifice of an ox (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 23v
British Museum, London
Purported ritual murder - Blood libel (18th)
Sandomierz Cathedral, Poland
Passover seder (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 6v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Kapparot. Yom Kippur, the day before (1705)
from: from: Friedrich Albrecht Christiani, Der Juden Glaube und Aberblaub, Leipzig 1705, p. 102
Scene a Sacrifice with a slaughtered calf (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1716)
from: Germany
The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel Ms. Heb. 8° 2380 (Book of Evronot, fol. 80v)
Purported Martyrdom of Simone of Trent (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd]
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Sacrifice of Isaac ( Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts)
from: Warsaw picture Bible, Cod. 1164, fol. 26 (from Venice)
The Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw (JHI)
Title page of Mizbeah olah, seu de ara exteriore templi secundi exercitationes philologicae (1697)
from: Cramer, Johannes-Jacobus,
A jewish Sacrifice (P. Cunaeus, La république des Hébreux) (1705)
from: Title page of: P. Cunaeus, La république des Hébreux. Où il est traité au long & à fond de la Sacrificature Mosaïque, des divers Sacrifices de l' Ancienne Loi, & des Cérémonies avec lesquelles lis étoient offerts, Amsterdam, Mortier, 1705
De Loting over de Twee Bokken op den Verfoendag (1701)
from: Petrus Cunaeus, Willem Goeree (transl.), De Republyk Der Hebreen, of Gemeenebest der Joden, in drie boeken, Amsterdam, 1701, p. 433
Purported Martyrdom of Simon of Trent (1480)
Museo provinciale Alto Adige
Sacrifice of Isaac, with captions in Ashkenazi square script. Isaac is kneeling on the altar, Abraham is lifting the knife, but an angel prevents him from hurting his son by grabbing his knife. The same angel points to the ram caught in a bush on the left. Beneath, at the foot of the mountain, the two servants, the donkey and a dog are resting in a field (1460)
from: Add. MS 14759 fol. 1v
British Library, London
Sacrificial instruments of the Israelites (1784)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
Church of S. Maria degli Angeli, Calangianus (Sardinia, Italy)
Pesah dorot (from the Birds’ Head Haggadah) (1300)
from: Birds’ Head Haggadah (Germany)
Israel Museum in Jerusalem
Scene of Jewish offering (1470)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Netherlands
from: Matthäus Rader, Bavaria Sancta, vol. III, 1627, p. 173
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1320)
from: Golden Haggadah (northern Spain)
London, British Library, Add 27210, fol. 4v
Offering of the first-born in the Temple (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 26r
British Museum, London
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1530 - 1550]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1348)
from: Mahzor
Darmstadt | Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Cod. Or 13, fol. 202
A Jewish priest and high priest preparing to offer a sacrifice (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
Pantheon sive Idola Judeorum [1650]
The British Museum, London
Tikkun Kriah le-Kol Leilah ve-Yom (Prayer Book) (1666)
The Center for Jewish Art
The offering of the Jews
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
The clothing of the Jewish priests (1697)
from: Johannes Braun: Bigdê kohanîm. Id Est Vestitus Sacerdotum Hebraeorum, 2 Bde., Amsterdam: Abraham van Someren, 1697-1698
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1309)
from: Brussels Pentateuch, Brussels, 1309
(Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Codex Levy 19, f. 34v
Purported Martyrdom of Simone of Trent - Simone as Martyr (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 4v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
The Sacrifice of Isaac (frontispiece with eleven biblical miniatures centering around the Sacrifice of Isaac) (1739)
from: BIBLE, Hebrew. Arba'ah ve-Esrim [Complete Hebrew Bible with Italian glosses and with engravings by Francesco Griselini]. Venice: Bragadini for Isaac Foa, 1739.
Braginsky Collection (Zürich & Amsterdam)
Beasts and the birds sacrificed (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nur,emberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 18r
British Museum, London
a Jewish priest and high priest preparing to offer a sacrifice (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1627)
from: Sefer Evronot Manuscript (from Frankfurt am Main)
Hebrew Union College Library, ms. 901, fol. 32v
Heretic Jewish at the Stake (1493)
from: Schedel, Hartmann. Liber chronicarum, Nuremberg, 1493, c. 230v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Rar. 287, Münich
Photograph shows the Kapparot. Two girls and a boy reading from a book; each girl is holding a hen as a man holds a rooster over the head of the boy. (1901)
from: Photographic prints
Library of Congress, Washington DC
Execution of the baptized Jews in Trent (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 12v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Jewish sacrificing children to demons (IXth Century)
from: Psalterium, Constantinople / Istanbul
Paris, BnF, Grec. 20, fol. 18
The Binding of Isaac (245)
from: Fresco in a mid-third Century Dura Europos Synagogue
Damascus National Museum
Ritual Sacrifice of a Calf (1712)
from: Theophili Amilii... Erörterung der dunckelsten und schwersten Schrifft-Stellen im N. Testament, Franckfurt, Samuel Heyl, 1712
Wikimedia & google books
The sacrifice of the Feast of Tabernacles (1746)
from: Histoire universelle, depuis le commencement du monde, jusqu’à présent, Volume 7, published Amsterdam: Arkstée et Merkus, 1742-1782.
Lowcountry Digital Library, College of Charleston Libraries
Animal Sacrifice and Pouring out the victim's blood (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 24r
British Museum, London
Father Thomas from Sardinia and his servant Amarath Martyrs in Damascus (1840) (1930)
from: Journal «L'Orient», February 6, 1930
15th c. depiction of Jewish ritual slaughter of animals for consumption (15th)
from: Jacob b. Asher, Arba'ah Turim (Hebrew: אַרְבָּעָה טוּרִים)
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Ross. 555. fol. 127v
Execution of Jews in Trent (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 10v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1275–1324)
from: Haggadah for Passover according to Spanish rite (the 'Hispano-Moresque Haggadah') Created: 1275–1324, Castile, Spain Hebrew
London, British Library, ms Orriental 2737
The ritualistic murder of a Christian child by a group of Jewish men; the child standing at centre, surrounded by five figures who are restraining, cutting him and gathering his blood; in an ornament frame with Gothic Laubwerk along upper edge; illustration to Ubertino Pusculino, 'Duo libri Symonidos de Judaeorum perfidia', Augsburg: Johan Ottmar, 1511. (1511)
from: Ubertino Pusculino, 'Duo libri Symonidos de Judaeorum perfidia', Augsburg: Johan Ottmar, 1511
Bristih Museum
Killing of the Passover Lamb, putting blood on the lintel and the door-posts (1335-1340)
from: Rylands Sephardi Haggadah, Passover Haggadah (Catalonia, Spain)
Manchester, The John Rylands Library, Hebrew MS 6, fol. 19v
Purported Martyrdom of Simon of Trent (1465)
from: Tiberinus, Johannes Matthias, Passio Beati Simonis
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
The preparation for the Passover festival: heep are slaughtered for Passover and a man purifies utensils in a cauldron over a fire (c. 1320)
from: Golden Haggadah (northern Spain)
London, British Library, Add 27210, fol. 15r
German broadsheet showing pilgrims visiting the relics of Simon, in a position known as victima. Bound with the account of Matthia Tiberino [description provided by Magda Teter] (1475)
from: Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, Rar. 338
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Temple Worship [1471]
from: Mishneh Torah, Opening panel to Sefer Avodah (Italy or Spain)
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Et Ketz (Mystical and Kabbalistic literature) (1710)
from: Yechacham – Rabbi Yitzchak Chaim HaCohen of the Kantorini Chazanim, Et Ketz, Amsterdam, Shlomo Proops 1710
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1692)
from: Ze'enah u-Re'enah
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, A. Hebr. 106, fol. 15v
Simon of Trent’s corpse (“victima”) (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 5v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
The Sacrifice of Isaac
from: Ancient mosaic pavement from the 6th century, Beit Alfa Synagogue
Beit Alfa Synagogue, Beit She'an (near to), Israel
Allegory of the Old and New Testaments and the Church triumphing over the Synagogue (1523)
from: Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti
Ferrara, Pinacoteca
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1755)
from: Hagadah shel Pesah ‘im otiyot ve-tsiyurim na‘im
Hebrew Union College Library, ms. Ms. 447, frontispiece
Examination of Simon’s body after its discovery (1475)
from: Historie von Simon zu Trient [Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2 Inc.s.a. 62#Beibd], fol. 8v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
Abraham's sacrifice. This is the sacrifice of Isaac on the altar and the ram caught by its horns (ca 1278-98)
from: North French Hebrew Miscellany [ Add. MS 11639 fol. 521v]
British Library, London