Keyword: Iconography

Displaying results from 1 to 20 of 21

Anonymous / Unknown

Sacrifice of Isaac (12nd Century)

Palatine Chapel, Royal Palace or Palace of the Normans, Palermo (Italy)

Anonymous / Unknown

The Sacrifice of Isaac [1581]

from: Ishâq al-Nishâpûrî, Histoire du Coran ou Histoires des prophètes et des rois du passé. Qesas al-anbiyâ [Persan 54, fol. 32v]

Paris, BnF, ms Persan 54 fol. 32v

Espinosa i Lleó, Jeroni Jacint

Mass of St. Peter Pascual (1660)

Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (Museu de Belles Arts), Valencia, Spain

Displaying results from 1 to 20 of 21