Keyword: Human Sacrifice
The Angel with the Ram in Abraham’s Sacrifice: A Parallel in Western and Islamic Art
in: Ars Islamica, v. 10 (1943), issue --: pp.134-147.
The Romans and Ritual Murder
in: ournal of the American Academy of Religion, v. 78 (2010), issue 2: pp.516–541.
The Qiang and the Question of Human Sacrifice in the Late Shang Period
in: Asian Perspectives, v. 35 (1996), issue 1: pp.1-26.
Head and HeartValour and Self-Sacrifice in the Art of India
Milton Park: Taylor & Francis, 2015.
An Unusual Group of Hero Stones: Commemorating Self-Sacrifice at Mallam, Andhra Pradesh
in: Ars Orientalis, v. 44 (), issue -: pp.61-84.
in: Das Blut im Glauben und Aberglauben der Menschheit. Mit besonderer Berück-sichtigung der ‘Volksmedizin’ und des ‘jüdischen Blutritus’, pp.
Munich: -, 1900.
Mass human sacrifice and symbolism of the Feathered Serpent Pyramid in Teotihuacan, Mexico
Tempe: Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers, 1995.
Methods of Killing. Human Sacrifice in Shang-Dynasty Oracle-Bone Inscriptions
in: minima sinica, v. 20 (2008), issue 1: pp.11-29.
The Smoke of Sacrifice: Anthropomorphism and Figure in Karel van Mallery’s Sacrifice of Cain and Abel for Louis Richeome’s Tableaux Sacrez (1601) Michel Weemans
in: The Anthropomorphic Lens. Anthropomorphism, Microcosmism and Analogy in Early Modern Thought and Visual Arts, pp. 480–515
Leiden: Brill, 2015.
Asante: human sacrifice or capital punishment? A rejoinder.
in: The International Journal of African Historical Studies, v. 21 (1988), issue 3: pp.443-452.
Political and Demographic-Ecological Determinants of Institutionalised Human Sacrifice
in: Anthropological Forum, v. 24 (2014), issue 1: pp.47-70.
Human sacrifice as social control through terror
in: Human Sacrifice and Value. Revisiting the Limits of Sacred Violence from an Anthropological and Archaeological Perspective, pp. Chap. 16
London: Routledge, 2023.
Human Sacrifice and the Rituals of War in Early China
in: Sacrifices humains: Perspectives croisées et représentations, pp. 153-173
Liege: University Press of Liege, 2013.
They Tell Lies: You ate the Man’: Jewish Reactions to Ritual Murder Accusations
in: Religious Violence Between Christians and Jews, pp. 86-100
Hampshire: Palgrave, 2002.