Keyword: Bible, Old Testament
Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac (1523 - 1526)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Elijah and Baal's priests (1545)
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
The Sacrifice of Elijah (1552-1557)
Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig
Cain murdering Abel (1576)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Sacrifice of Abel (1576)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Abel [1601]
from: L. Richeome, Tableaux sacrez des figures mystiques du très-auguste sacrifice et sacrement de l'Eucharistie, Paris, Sonnius, 1601, p. 48
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1527 - 1529]
Gemäldegalerie, Dresden ; Museo del Prado, Madrid ; Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland
Vos superi testes pietatis habebo [...] (18th Century)
Fondazione Pietro Mondadori, Reggio Emilia
Rejection of Joachim's Sacrifice (1504)
Museum of Art, Cleveland
Jeroboam's Sacrifice at Bethel (1656)
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg
The sacrifice of Noah (1725-35 ca.)
Galleria dei dipinti antichi, cassa di risparmio di Cesena, Cesena
The sacrifice of Noah [1725 - 1735]
Galleria dei dipinti antichi, Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena
Sacrifice of Isaac [1625 - 1650]
Museo d'arte di Palazzo Gavotti, Savona
Samson pulling down the column of the temple (1470)
from: The Florentine Picture-Chronicle
The British Museum, London
Sacrifice of Gideon [1736]
Museo diocesano tridentino, Trent
Jeroboam Offering Sacrifice for the Idols (1752)
École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1530 - 1550]
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam