Keyword: Bible, Old Testament
Sacrifice of the Priests of Baal [1519 - 1524]
Siena Cathedral
Exactis duobus mensibus reversa est Virgo ad Patrem suum et fecit ei secundum votum suum. Iud. Cap. II. (1579)
from: Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum Veteris Testamenti, elegantissimis imaginibus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera, Sumptibus atque expensis, [Antwerp], Gerardi de Iode, 1579
Bibliothèque National de France
Sacrifice of Gideon [1728]
Musée du Louvre, Paris
Sacrifice of Noah (1640)
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Arras
The Sacrifice of the Golden Mountoun [1550]
Bibliothèque municipale, Bordeaux
The Story of Samson [1525 - 1530]
Kunstmuseum, Basel
Sacrifice of Noah [1508 - 1510]
Sistine Chapel, vault, Vatican
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1524 - 1546)
Casa Buonarroti, Florence
Sacrifice of Noah [1630 - 1664]
Palazzo Bianco - Musei di Strada Nuova, Genoa
The sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter [1695]
Fondazione Brescia Musei, Brescia
The Sacrifice of Isaac (17th Century)
Private Collection
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1551)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
Samson's mother seated at centre, her hands folded in her lap, Manoah and his wife at an altar with an angel in flames in background (1590-1595)
from: Mater Sampsonis, from Icones Illustrium Feminarum Veteris Testamenti
The British Museum, London
Spiritus timoris domini (1593 - 1597)
from: Adriaen Collaert; Johannes Stradanus, De zeven gaven van de Heilige Geest, n. p., Visscher, Claes Jansz, no year
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Tuta Philistaei secta cervice tyranni [...] [1590]
from: Adriaen Collaert ; Jan Van Der Straet, Encomium musices, Antwerp, Philippe Galle, [1590]
Diruit aram, lucumq., Baal indeq. construit aram Domino, et holocaustum sacrificat (16th Century)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon