Keyword: Reconquista – Image Gallery
Saint Raymond Nonnatus (Mercedarian Martyr, 13th century) [1640 - 1650]
Museo Goya - Ibercaja Collection (Camón Aznar Museum). Zaragoza (Spain)
Saint Pelayo (bas-relief carved in stone) (11-12nd Century)
Museo Arqueológico de León (Spain). Formerly at the Colegiata de San Isidoro, León.
Saint Pelayo from Cordova [18-19th Century]
Ceramic Tiles in San Pelagio Seminary, Cordoba
San Pelagio y San Sancho. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Santiago Matamoros
Capilla de San Juan Bautista y Santiago, Catedral de Burgos
Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo from Cordova (1655)
from: Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo (Engraving), Amsterdam, 1665.
Martyrdom of S. Eulogius and S. Leocricia of Cordoba [1910]
from: Historia de España, III vols., ed. M. Seguí, 1910-1927.
Saint Eulogius from Cordoba is announced his Martyrdom (full image). [1630]
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Eulogio Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter Pascual (17-18th Century)
Jaén Bishop's Palace (seat of the bishopric of Jaén, Spain)
Saint Pelagius from Cordoba before the Califa Abd al-Rahmán III, just before his martyrdom (A.D. 925). (1645)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Pelayo Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Statue of Saint Raymundo Nonnatus (1626)
Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville (Spain)
S. Fandila Már[ti]r, Protector de las siminteres. [1800 - 1820]
Painting on metal (tin)
Martyrdom of Saint Serapion of Algiers (Mercedarian, 1179 - 1240) (1628)
Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
Raymond Nonnatus, Saint (17th Century)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Spain)
Mille Clypei pendent exea Plantaverunt Ecclesiam Sanguine suo. Expoliti Lapidis suis Coaptantur Locis Per Manus Artificis Disponuntur Permansuri Sacris Aedificiis. Fundamenta eius in Montibus S[anc]tis. [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.
Sculpture of Saint Pedro Armengol (Mercedarian) (17-18th Century)
Chapel next to the Church of Santa María de Conxo. Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter Pascual (detail) (19th Century)
Sagrario Church, within the Cathedral of Jaén (Spain)
San Pedro Pascual (detalle) (17th Century)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Spain)
Sn Rodrigo Prev[iter]o M[artir] de Cordoba y Patrono de la Villa de Cabra. Y Sn. Salomon Su compañero. Que dedica y consagra a el Sr. Dn. Rodrigo de Cota y Cabrera Prevendado de la Sta. Iglesia Cathedral Su Servidor Pedro Rodriguez. N[icholas] Carrasco del. et Sculp. Año de 1749.” (1749)
Engraving (one-sheet devotional print).
Sculpture representing Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (detail) (1981)
Parish of Asunción y Ángeles, Cabra (Spain)
Saint Pedro Pascual, Mercedarian, martyr in Granada (1300) [1676]
from: Sacra Rituum Congregatio, Sancti Petri Paschasii Martyris, Giennensis Episcopi, Ordinis B. Mariae de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum Opera [...], Madrid, Bernardus de Villa Diego, Sanctae Cruciatae et Divini Officii Typographus, 1676.
San Eulogio Chapel, in Cordoba Cathedral [front] (1618)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Eulogio Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Altarpiece of Saint Roderick (16-17th Century)
Church of San Juan de Dios, Cabra (Spain)
S[a]n Rodrigo, Patrono de Cabra (19th Century)
Sacresty of the San Francisco y San Rodrigo Church, Cabra (Spain). Oil on Zinco plate.
The Martyrdom of Saint Raymond Nonnatus (16-17th Century)
Private Collection. Spain
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter Pascual (19th Century)
Sagrario Church, within the Cathedral of Jaén (Spain)
Aparición de la Virgen a San Pedro Pascual [1670]
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (Museu de Belles Arts), Valencia, Spain
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) (1789)
Parish of the Assumption (Parroquia de la Asunción). Arroyo de la Luz, Cáceres (Spain).
San Eulogio Chapel, in Cordoba Cathedral [detail] (1618)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Eulogio Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Martyrdom of Saint Raymond Nonnatus (16-17th Century)
Prado National Museum, Madrid (Spain)
Silver Shrine containing the relics of the Cordovan Martyr Saint Eulogius. (16-17th Century)
Oviedo Cathedral (Spain)
Statue of Saint Raymundo Nonnatus (detail 2) (1626)
Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville (Spain)
Saint Pelagius from Cordoba before the Califa Abd al-Rahmán III, just before his martyrdom (A.D. 925). (1645)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Pelayo Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordoba (857) (17th Century)
Old Masters Picture Gallery - State Art Museum, Dresden (Germany)
San Pedro Pascual (17th Century)
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Spain)
Painting of Santa Flora, Martyr in Cordoba (A.D. 851) (17th Century)
Altar piece of the Capilla Mayor (main altar) of Cordoba Cathedral. Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba (Spain)
San Aurelio y Santa Sabigotho su Muge. Y San Jorge Monje. San Féliz y Santa Liliosa, su Muger. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Martyrdom of Saint Roderick (17th Century)
Church of San Juan de Dios, Cabra (Spain)
Sculpture representing Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) (1981)
Parish of Asunción y Ángeles, Cabra (Spain)
Altar and reliquary of Saint Sisenandus of Beja (18th Century)
Sé de Beja (Cathedral of St. James the Great), Beja (Portugal)
Non Moriar, sed Vivam et Narrabo Opera Domini. Psalm. 117. Quedó en Rehenes para el Rescate de un copioso núm. de Cautivos el Ínclito M[ártir] S. Pedro Armengol Natural de Monblanch en Cathalunya y después de Muchos Malos Tratamientos fue Colgado de [...] Le sostuvo la Magestad de Dios Vivo 8 [días] después o[tro] año Comendador del Convento de su [...] siempre torcida [...] en el rostro. Murió a 27 de Abril 1304 años [...] en Prodigio. [17th Century]
Convento di Nostra Signora di Bonaria, Cagliari (Italy)
Saint Pelagius from Cordoba before the Califa Abd al-Rahmán III, just before his martyrdom (A.D. 925). (1645)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Pelayo Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Saints Pelayo, Eulogio and Leocricia, Martyrs in Cordoba (16-17th Century)
Cordoba Cathedral, Cordoba (Spain)
Saint Eulogius from Cordoba is announced his Martyrdom (detail). [1630]
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Eulogio Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Relief of Saint Rodrigo Martyr (1793)
Iglesia de la Asunción (Choir stalls of the church), Cabra (Spain)
Martyrdom of Saint Eulogius (A.D. 859), showing the moment of his beheading. [1660]
Santuario de Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta (Main Altar). Cordoba, Spain
Martyrs of Sacromonte (Granada) [1741]
from: Heredia Barnuevo, Diego N. Mystico ramillete historico, chronologyco, panegyrico, texido de las tres fragrantes flores del nobilissimo antiguo origen, exemplarissima vida, y meritissima fama posthuma del Ambrosio de Granada ... el Illmo. y V.Sr. Don Pedro de Castro, Vaca y Quiñones ... Arzobispo de Granada, y Sevilla, y Fundador Magnifico de la Insigne Iglesia Colegial del Sacro Monte Illipulitano, Granada, Imprenta Real, 1741.
San Perfecto, Pres[bitero] Proto-Martir de la Persecución Arábiga en Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Sculpture representing Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) (16-17th Century)
Altarpiece of San Rodrigo in the Church of San Juan de Dios, Cabra (Spain)
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (died on March 13, 857 AD) (19th Century)
Sacresty of the Church Asunción y Ángeles, Cabra (Spain)
Statue of Saint Pelayo [18th Century]
Church of the Episcopal Seminary, Cordova
Statue of Saint Eulogius, Cordovan Martyr [18th Century]
San Francisco and San Eulogio Church, Cordoba (Spain).
Drawing representing the tombstone of the martyr Saint Pedro Pascual in Baeza Cathedral, Spain. (1653)
from: Bilches, F., Santos y Santuarios del Opispado de Jaen y Baeza, Madrid, Domingo García y Morrás, 1653, p. 146.
Frontispiece of the book Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, 1638. (1638)
from: Bermúdez de Pedraza, F. Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, Granada, 1638.
Saint Eulogius from Cordoba is announced his Martyrdom (detail). [1630]
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Eulogio Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo from Cordova (19-20th Century)
Catedral de la Encarnación, Malaga (Spain)
Saint Pelagius from Cordoba before the Califa Abd al-Rahmán III, just before his martyrdom (A.D. 925). (1645)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Pelayo Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Statue of Saint Pelayo [19th Century]
Ermita de San Pelayo, Morales del Rey (Spain)
Blessed Álvaro from Cordoba (O.P.) (17th Century)
Convent of Santo Domingo de Escalaceli, Cordoba
Pedro Pascual, Saint (17th Century)
Curia Generale dell'Ordine della Mercede, Rome
Statue of Saint Raymundo Nonnatus (detail 1) (1626)
Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville (Spain)
Saint Pelayo being tortured by order of Abderramán III in Cordoba [17th Century]
Main Altarpiece of the parish Church of Saint Pelayo Martyr, Olivares de Duero (Valladolid, Spain).
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) [1633 - 1668]
Altarpiece of the Main Altar of the Church of San Juan de Dios. Cabra (Spain)
Ecce Servus meus, Suscipiam eum, electus meus, complacuit sibi in illo anima mea, dedi Spiritum meum super eum, iudicium gentibus proferet... Isa. 42. Deduxit eos in Spe, et Inimicos eorum operuit mare Et induxit eos in Montem Sanctisficationis Sive Montem quem acquisivit dextera eius. Ps. 77. [1620]
from: Antolínez de Burgos, J. Historia eclesiástica de Granada [manuscript, composed around 1620 and conserved in the Library and Historical Archives of the Abadía de Sacromonte, Granada].
Saint Pedro Pascual, Mercedarian, martyr in Granada (1300) (1676)
from: Pedro Pascual (Santo), Sancti Petri Paschasii Martyris, Giennensis Episcopi, Ordinis B. Mariae de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum Opera [...], Madrid, 1676
Saint Eulogius from Cordoba is announced his Martyrdom (full painting). [1630]
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Eulogio Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Saint Ramon Nonatus Protecting a Slave (18th Century)
Museo Diocesano, Solsona (Lleida, Catalunya).
Mass of St. Peter Pascual (1660)
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (Museu de Belles Arts), Valencia, Spain
Santa Flora, Mártir de Córdoba. Santa María, Mártir de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo from Cordova [1520]
Catedral de la Encarnación, Malaga (Spain)
Sculpture representing the Mercedarian Martyr and Saint Pedro Pascual (18th Century)
La Merced Church, in the baroque altarpiece dedicated to Saint Pedro Pascual, Antigua Guatemala.
Martyrdom of Saint Eulogius from Cordova [1700]
Juramento de San Rafael Church, Cordoba (Spain)
S[a]n Rodrigo Presv[iter]o Martir de Cordoba. Y S[a]n Salomon su Compañero M[arti]r. (1749)
Engraving. The illustration is a devotional print, printed on a single sheet.
Myracle of Saint Peter Pascual before the king Totila (18th Century)
Pedro Pascual Chapel, Sagrario: within the Cathedral of Jaén (Spain)
Saint Pedro Pascual from Valencia, Mercedarian Bishop and Martyr (1300) [17th Century]
Jaén Cathedral (Jaén, Spain)
Martyrdom of Juan Martínez Jáuregui, clergyman of Mairena (1610)
from: Antolínez, J. Historia Eclesiástica de Granada, 1610.
Saint Pedro Pascual, Mercedarian, martyr in Granada (1300) (17th Century)
from: Rodríguez Gálvez, R. San Pedro Pascual, Obispo de Jaén y mártir. Estudios críticos, Jaén, Establecimiento tipográfico La Unión, 1903.
Saint Raymond Nonnatus (17th Century)
Private Collection. Madrid (Spain)
Saint Pedro Pascual from Valencia, Martyr in Granada in 1300 (1674)
from: Colombo, F., Relación de las fiestas, que el Real Convento de Santa Catalina de Toledo del Real, y Militar Orden de nuestra Señora de la Merced, Redencion de Cautivos, consagro a la solemnidad de la extension del culto, y rezo concedido a San Pedro Pasqual de Valencia ...: con los tres sermones, que en las fiestas predicaron los tres señores Canonigos Magistrales de la Santa Iglesia de Toledo. Y un epitome de la vida del Santo, sacado, y añadido de los processos que en su causa se hizieron, Madrid, Imprenta Real, 1674.
Sculpture representing Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) (1964)
Iglesia del Juramento. Cordoba (Spain)
Martyrdom of Saint Raymond Nonnatus (16-17th Century)
Prado National Museum, Madrid (Spain)
Saint Pelagius from Cordoba before the Califa Abd al-Rahmán III, just before his martyrdom (A.D. 925). (1645)
Mezquita - Catedral de Córdoba (San Pelayo Chapel). Cordoba (Spain)
Martyrdom of Pedro Armengol (the painting shows the hanging of the Saint and the intervention of the Blessed Mother). (16-17th Century)
Prado National Museum, Madrid (Spain)