Keyword: Abraham and Isaac – Image Gallery
The sacrifice of Abraham (1655)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1700-1750)
from: Bulgaria
Bruxelles, Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire / Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis
The sacrifice of Isaac (16th)
Christie's, London
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1348)
from: Mahzor
Darmstadt | Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Cod. Or 13, fol. 202
The Sacrifice of Isaac (calco ottocentesco della formella originale) (1421)
from: Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna
Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1200-1300]
from: Les « Histoires Roger », ou Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César , composée par un clerc sous les auspices du châtelain de Lille, Roge
Paris, BnF, Français 20125, fol. 35
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1270-1280)
from: Psalter, St John College, Cambridge, MS K.26 fol. 10r
St John College, Cambridge
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail of the Prado's Adoration of the Magi) (1494)
Madrid, Museo del Prado
The Sacrifice of Abraham (1609)
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin
Priming Flask Made for Prince-Elector August I of Saxony Representing the Sacrifice of Isaac [1575]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Abraham leading Isaac to the sacrifice (Ethiopian manuscript) [1800-1890]
Paris, BnF, Ms Ethiopien 389, fol. 9v
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1600]
Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Meyer Dietrich d.Ä. ZEI 1.0016.003 Pp
The sacrifice of Isaac. Isaac carries the wood for the sacrifice to Moriah (1460)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis, Newberry Library - 40, fol. 22v
Newberry Library, Chicago
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1755)
from: Hagadah shel Pesah ‘im otiyot ve-tsiyurim na‘im
Hebrew Union College Library, ms. Ms. 447, frontispiece
Ibrahim about to sacrifice Ismail. Cebrail (Gabriel) stands nearby holding the ram. (Late 16th/Early 17th)
from: A miniature painting from a manuscript of Hadikat us-suada, a history of the holy martyrs of the Prophet's family [Ms Or. 12009, fol.19v]
British Library, London [from Turkey]
Abraham (1907)
London, Christie's
The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th Century)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1555)
Cortona, Museo Diocesano (Italy)
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1635)
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg
En pater innocuum puerum deducit ad aram en promptus charum est ense ferire caput [1567]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Sacrifice of Abraham [1500]
Albertina, Vienna
Genesis XXI, Abrami gladius molle spectate parentes, non timet hoc natum sacrificare suum [1712]
from: C. Wiegel, Historiae celebriores veteris testamenti iconibus representatae, et ad excitandas bonas meditationes selectis epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem datae a Christophoro Weigelio, Noribergae, 1712, n. p.
The Sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham and Isaac approach the place of sacrifice [1370]
from: Speculum humanae salvationis, Bibliothèque nationale de France - Lat. 511, fol. 22v
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
The Sacrifice of Isaac (17th)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Iglesia de San Martín, Potosí, Bolivia
Sacrifice of Isaac, with captions in Ashkenazi square script. Isaac is kneeling on the altar, Abraham is lifting the knife, but an angel prevents him from hurting his son by grabbing his knife. The same angel points to the ram caught in a bush on the left. Beneath, at the foot of the mountain, the two servants, the donkey and a dog are resting in a field (1460)
from: Add. MS 14759 fol. 1v
British Library, London
The Sacrifice of Isaac
from: From a late 16C copy of Jami’s Yusuf Zulaikha (IO Islamic 737)
London, British Library, IO Islamic 737
The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th)
from: Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ, Nīšāpūrī, Isḥāq Ibn-Ibrāhīm
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Diez A fol. 3
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1400-1410)
from: Ems, Rudolf von, Weltchronik [Getty Museum, Ms. 33, fol. 34]
Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Et Ketz (Mystical and Kabbalistic literature) (1710)
from: Yechacham – Rabbi Yitzchak Chaim HaCohen of the Kantorini Chazanim, Et Ketz, Amsterdam, Shlomo Proops 1710
The sacrifice of Isaac (Bild des Stark-Gläubigen) (1720)
from: Winterthur
Universitätsbibliothek Zürich
Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac (1523 - 1526)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1320)
from: Golden Haggadah (northern Spain)
London, British Library, Add 27210, fol. 4v
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1275–1324)
from: Haggadah for Passover according to Spanish rite (the 'Hispano-Moresque Haggadah') Created: 1275–1324, Castile, Spain Hebrew
London, British Library, ms Orriental 2737
Landscape with Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac in left foreground, (1605-1652)
The British Museum, London
Manuscript cutting of he Sacrifice of a ram by Abraham and Isaac [1500]
from: Italy
V&A Museum, London
The Sacrifice of Isaac (s.d.)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Iglesia de San Sebastián, Cusco, Peru
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1625)
from: Iconum Biblicarum, Part I [= Icones Biblicae], p. 45
The Sacrifice of Abraham (1612-1613)
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City
Genesis, Cap. XXII, v. 13, Abrahamus sacrificans (1732 - 1737)
from: J. J. Scheuchzer, Physique sacrée, ou Histoire naturelle de la Bible, Amsterdam, Pierre Schenk - Pierre Mortier, 1732 - 1737, tome premier, tab. LXXXIII
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1597)
Augsburg, Dom
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1542 - 1544]
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1625 - 1626]
Palazzo Brera, Milan
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1581]
from: Ishâq al-Nishâpûrî, Histoire du Coran ou Histoires des prophètes et des rois du passé. Qesas al-anbiyâ [Persan 54, fol. 32v]
Paris, BnF, ms Persan 54 fol. 32v
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Museo Ginori, Sesto Fiorentino
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1716)
from: Germany
The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel Ms. Heb. 8° 2380 (Book of Evronot, fol. 80v)
Bologna, Chiesa di San Domenico (coro ligneo)
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1551)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
Sacrificio di Isacco [1625]
Gallerie Nazionali d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome
The Sacrifice of Isaac (17th Century)
Private Collection
Sacrifice of Isaac [1621 - 1623]
Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, Genova
Sacrifice of Isaac [1650 - 1651]
Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1270-1280)
from: English Psalter
Cambridge, St. John College, MS K.26, fol.10r
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1655)
Museo del Prado, Madrid
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1562)
from: Project on engraved sources of Spanish colonial art
Sotocoro, Temple of the Franciscan Ex-Convent of La Asunción de Nuestra Señora, Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico
Sacrifice of Isaac (1630)
Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
The sacrifice of Isaac (1550-1599)
Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1524 - 1546)
Casa Buonarroti, Florence
The sacrifice of Isaac. The Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) surviving the furnace (above), and preparing to sacrifice his son Ism'il (below), from The Cream of Histories (Zubdat al-tawarikh) by Sayyid Luqman-i 'Ashuri (1585)
from: Sayyid Luqman-i Ashur, Zubdat al-tawarikh, Istanbul, Turkey
Sayyid Luqman-i Ashur, Zubdat al-tawarikh, detached folio, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1490 - 1495)
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1627)
from: Sefer Evronot Manuscript (from Frankfurt am Main)
Hebrew Union College Library, ms. 901, fol. 32v
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1455)
from: Gospels, Armenia (monastery of Gamałiēl in Xizan), Walters Manuscript W.543, fol. 4r
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1493)
from: Schedel, Hartmann. Liber chronicarum, Nuremberg, 1493, c. 22v
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Rar. 287, Münich
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1218)
from: Psalter of Queen Ingeborg (Paris)
Chantilly, Musee Conde, Ms.9, folio 11r
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1475-1485)
from: Wandmalereien Filialkirche St. Nikolaus, Klerant
Landscape with the Sacrifice of Isaac [1600]
from: Prague
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kunstkammer
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1759-1760)
from: Hodowica, Ukraine [at the time: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]
Borys Voznytskyi Lviv National Art Gallery
Sacrifice of Isaac (1516-1518)
Getty Museum, Los Angeles
The sacrifice of Isaac. Isaac carries the wood for the sacrifice to Moriah (1470)
from: peculum humanae salvationis, Marseille, Bibliothèque municipale, ms 89, fol. 22v
Bibliothèque municipale, Marseille
Abraham's Sacrifice (1600?-1650?)
from: Mîr Hwând, Rawzat al-safâ (Le lieu de repos des Purs) [Suppl. Persan 1567, fol. 50v]
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1270-1274)
from: Psalterium Parisiense, Psautier dit de saint Louis (France)
Paris, BnF, Latin 10525, fol. 10
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1430)
from: Ms Hazine 2153, fol. 119
Istanbul, Topkapi Palace Museum, Hazine 2153, fol. 119
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1309)
from: Brussels Pentateuch, Brussels, 1309
(Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Codex Levy 19, f. 34v
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Venezia, Scuola Grande di San Rocco
Ibrahim Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac (17th)
from: Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi, Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets), ms, fol. 43 Turkey
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, The Edwin Binney, 3rd Collection of Turkish Art at the Harvard Art Museums Object Number 1985.275.43
Ibrâhîm [Abraham] Sacrifice of his Son Ismâ'îl (1577)
Public Library, Spencer Collection, Persian, ms. 1, New York
The Sacrifice of Isaac (13th)
from: Psalterium [psautier latin dit de saint Louis et de Blanche de Castille]
Paris. Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Ms-1186 réserve, fol. 13v
The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th Century)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
Dish with sacrifice of Isaac (17th Century)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1485)
Milano, Pinacoteca di Brera
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Boston, The Harvard Art Museums
The Sacrifice of Abraham [1630 - 1635]
Städelsches Kunstinstitut (Städel Museum), Frankfurt
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1378-1413)
from: Speculum humanae salvationis
Biblioteca Vaticana,, fol. 35v