The Sacrifice of Isaac
Year: [1545]
From: Fontainebleau, France
Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art
External link:
Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1491)
from: Stephan Fridolin, Der Schatzbehalter, Nuremberg, Koberger, November 18, 1491, fol. 32v
British Museum, London
The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Isaac in Early Christian Art
in: American Journal of Archaeology, v. 26 (1922), issue 2: pp.159-173.
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1625)
from: Iconum Biblicarum, Part I [= Icones Biblicae], p. 45
Sacrifice of Isaac (Detail) (12nd Century)
Palatine Chapel, Royal Palace or Palace of the Normans, Palermo (Italy)