Editor: Marco Albertoni
Ino and Palemon [1615]
from: Iaspar Isaac Gaultier ; Thomas de Leu, Les images ou tableaux de platte peinture des deux philostrates sophistes grecs et les statues de Callistrate mis en francois par Blaise de Vigenere bourbonnois enrichis d'arguments et annotations reueus et corrigez sur l'original par un docte personnage de ce temps en la langue grecque et representez en taille douce en cette nouuelle edition auec des epigrammes sur chacun diceux par Artus Thomas sieur d'Embry [...], Paris, Abel l'Angelier, 1615
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1596]
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Cain and Abel (1673)
from: D. Teniers, Theatrum pictorium: in quo exhibentur ipsius manu delineatae, eiusque curâ in aes incisae picturae, archetipae italicae, quas ipse ser.mus archidux in pinacothecam suam Bruxellis collegit, Antuerpiae, Sumptibus viduae Abrahami Teniers, ubi venales extant, 1673, n. 178
The sacrifice of Melchisedec (16th Century)
Museo pontificio della Santa Casa, Loreto
Covenant between Abraham and God (1700)
from: Thesaurus sacrarum historiarum Veteris Testamenti, elegantissimis imaginibus expressum excellentissimorum in hac arte virorum opera, Sumptibus atque expensis, [Antwerp], Gerardi de Iode 1579
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Elias offer. I. Regum. XVIII (1708)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Sacrifice of the red young cow (1683)
from: Petrus Cunaeus, De republyk der Hebreen, of gemeenebest der joden, 3 delen, Amsterdam, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1683
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Caino e Abele [1610]
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
Samson's Death (1549)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The sacrifice of Manoah (from the series: Life of Samson) (1549)
London, British Museum
The Sacrifice of Isaac (18th Century)
Museum of Fine Arts,Budapest
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1598)
Piasecka-Johnson Collection, Princeton
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1603)
Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence
Berenice offers her hair to Venus [1662 - 1663]
Palazzo Reale, Turin
La figliuola di Iefte all'altare per esser sacrificata (18th Century)
Convento dei Canonici Lateranensi - Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Martyrdom of Saint Pelayo from Cordova (19-20th Century)
Catedral de la Encarnación, Malaga (Spain)
Per questo il Re sacrifica e partito chiede al milesio Dio per la figliuola, il qual risponde à l'ermo e' nculto lito Menala con l'honor funereo et sola lasciala quivi, che mortal marito Haver non dee, ma che per l'aer vola Di velen pieno et con immortal foco Distrugge 'l mondo, et mai non trova loco [1530]
from: Maestro del Dado, Favola di Psiche, [Roma] Ant. Sal. exc. [1532?]
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
The Sacrifice of Manoah and His Wife, Parents of Samson (17th Century)
Hood Museum of Art, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
El sacrificio de Isaac [1616]
Museo de Bellas Artes, Bilbao