Editor: Marco Albertoni
Samson Hostes Suos Exitio Dans Moritur [1711 - 1720]
from: Bernard Picart; Gerard Hoet, Figures de la Bible, Amsterdam, B. Picart, 1720
The Sacrifice of Isaac (16th Century)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
Abraham in History and Tradition
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974.
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia (1755)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Alle origini della Reconquista
: Nino Aragno Editore, 2003.
Sacrifice of Cain and Abel [1554 - 1555]
Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1554 - 1555]
Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples
Pantheon sive Idola Judeorum [1650]
The British Museum, London
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1542 - 1544]
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
Human Sacrifice in Ancient Egypt
in: The Strange World of Human Sacrifice, pp. 127-134
Leuven - Paris - Dudley: Peeters, 2007.
Allegory of the Catholic Faith (picture made when public celebrations of the Mass were forbidden in the Dutch Republic) [1670 - 1672]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Sacrificio di Isacco [1625 - 1630]
Museo civico di Palazzo Chiericati, Vicenza
Théorie générale du sacrifice et mise à mort dans la thysia greque
in: Le sacrifice dans l'Antiquité (Entretiens sur l'Antiquité classique de la fondation Hardt XXVII), pp. 1-39
Vandouvres - Genève: Fondation Hardt, 1981.
Dissertatio theologica tertia, de festo tabernaculorum: quæ singularem ordinem sacrificiorum in eo faciendorum exponit, ad Numer. XXIX. 12-38
n. p.: Henricus Halma, 1721.
The Sacrifice of Abraham [1630 - 1635]
Städelsches Kunstinstitut (Städel Museum), Frankfurt
The Sacrifice of Isaac [1630 - 1635]
Christophoruskirche, Wiesbaden-Schierstein
Sacrifice and Priesthood in Relation to the Christian Life and Church in the New Testament
in: Sacrifice in the Bible, pp. 136-156
Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1995.