Allegory of the Catholic Faith (picture made when public celebrations of the Mass were forbidden in the Dutch Republic)
Year: [1670 - 1672]
Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Authority file:
Edited by: Marco Albertoni
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from: De Biblie uth der uthlegginge Doctoris Martini Luthers in dyth düdesche ulitich uthgestellet, mit sundergen underichtingen alse men seen mach,Ludowich Dietz 1534
A reioindre to M. Iewels replie against the sacrifice of the masse
Antwerp: John Fowler, 1566.
De sacrificio Missae tractatus asceticus. Continens praxim attentè, deuotè, & reuerenter celebrandi
Rome: Fabius de Falchus, 1658.