Editor: Dennj Solera
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De sacrificio missae contra Lutheranos libri tres
Cologne: Io[hannes] Soterem, 1526.
Polpoikilos sophia, a compleat history or survey of all the dispensations and methods of religion, from the beginning of the world to the consummation of all things, as represented in the Old and New Testament shewing the several reasons and designs of those different administrations, and the wisdom and goodness of God in the government of His church, through all the ages of it: in which also, the opinion of Dr. Spencer concerning the Jewish rites and sacrifices is examin'd, and the certainty of the Christian religion demonstrated against the cavils of the Deists, &c.
London: Daniel Brown; Ionath[an] Robinson; Andrew Bell; Iohn Wyat; E. Harris, 1699.
Ad tit. cod. Theodosiani de paganis, sacrificiis, & templis, notae
Lutetia: Sebastianus Cramoisiy, 1618.
Disputatio De Sacrificio Missae Propitiatorio Pro Vivis Mortuisque, Joanni Decio, Jesuitae, Opposita
Rostock: Schwiegerovius, 1701.
Disputationum Theologicarum De Sacrificiis Satisfactionis Pro Peccatis Totius Mundi Praestitae, Typis Certissimis, Et Firmissimis, Adversus recentiores Arianos seu Photinianos Satisfactionem Christi omnem pernegantes Tertia : Quod in actibus sacrificiorum preces ardentissimas & Cantica sacra adhibuerint / Quae In Collegio Disputationum Theologicarum [...]
Wittenber: Gormannus, 1615.
Schola Sacrificiorum Patriarchalium Sacra, Hoc Est, Assertio solidissima, Satisfactionis Á Domino nostro Iesv Christo [...] praestitae: in Sacrificiorum veterum typis fundata, & recentibus Arrianis seu Photinianis eandem negantibus, per Disputationes XXII
Wittenber: Balthasar Mevius, 1654.
Victimae Humanae, complexa Modos, Ceremonias et Tempora quibus olim Homines Diis suis immolabant et humanum sanguinem libabant
Groningen: Dominicus Lens, 1675.
Les Anciennes Liturgies, ou, La Maniere Dont On A Dit la sainte Messe dans chaque siècle : dans les Eglises d'Orient & dans celles d'Occident : Avec la recherche de toutes les Pratiques, Prières & Ceremonies qui s'observent dans le saint Sacrifice
Paris: Jean de Nully, 1697.
Una traduzione italiana di un testo di Robert Parsons.
London: Dodsley, 1777.
Fanatisme in Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire des sciences, des arts et des métiers, vol. 6
Paris: Briasson; David; Le Breton; Durand, 1756.
Moloch in Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire des sciences, des arts et des métiers, vol. 10
Neuchâtel: Samuel Faulcher, 1765.