Several sermons preach'd on the whole eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans : eighteen of which preach'd on the first, second, third, fourth verses are here published : wherein the saints exemption from condemnation, the mystical union, the spiritual life, the dominion of sin and the spirits agency in freeing from it, the law's inability to justifie and save, Christ's mission, eternal sonship, incarnation, his being an expiatory sacrifice, fulfilling the laws righteousness (which is imputed to believers) are opened, confirmed, vindicated, and applied
Several sermons preach'd on the whole eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans : eighteen of which preach'd on the first, second, third, fourth verses are here published : wherein the saints exemption from condemnation, the mystical union, the spiritual life, the dominion of sin and the spirits agency in freeing from it, the law's inability to justifie and save, Christ's mission, eternal sonship, incarnation, his being an expiatory sacrifice, fulfilling the laws righteousness (which is imputed to believers) are opened, confirmed, vindicated, and applied
Related Documents:
De Sacrificio Christi Semel In Cruce Oblato, Et Initerabili Exercitatio Theologica
Helmestedt: Henning Müller, 1639.
De Imitatione Christi et de contemptu mundi
Venice: Johannes Leoviller ; Franciscus de Madiis, 1486.
Sermón para convertir Moros, hombres que tienen la ley de Mahoma. Dedicado a nuestro santisimo Padre y Señor Innocencio Duodezimo, Summo Pontifice, Successor de San Pedro y Vicario de Christo Señor nuestro, Dios y hombre verdadero, por el maestro Fray Francisco de Castelví, del Orden de Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Redempcion de Cautivos
Madrid: Diego Martínez Abad, 1689.