bottom left, Cranmer, Bishop Nicholas Ridley, and Bishop Hugh Latimer burning at the stake, with Queen Mary I and a monk observing from a balcony above
Year: 1682
From: Engraved title-page to Gilbert Burnet, 'The Abridgment of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England' (London, Richard Chiswell, 1682)
Location: London, British Museum
External link:
Edited by: Chiara Petrolini
Related Documents:
Vorrede zu Robertus Barns' Glaubensbekenntnis.
Wittenberg: Nickel Schirlenz, 1540.
The Dissolution of the Monastries and the Execution of Three Benedictine Abbots (1539)
The British Library, London
A declaration of great troubles pretended against the realme by a number of seminarie priests and Iesuits; sent, and very secretly dispersed in the same, to worke great treasons under a false pretence of religion with a provision very necessarie for remedie thereof. Published by this Her Maiesties proclamation
London: n. p., 1591.