Topic: 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)

Spanning from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, this section delves into the complex world of religiously motivated wars, where martyrdom and self-sacrifice dedicated to God played a pivotal role. It offers an extensive collection of printed sources and images that trace the evolution of this phenomenon through the crusades, the Reconquista, and various holy wars. This assortment includes materials from the twelfth to the twentieth century and provides a comprehensive bibliography that examines these events from both sacred and secular viewpoints.

Displaying results from 481 to 500 of 639

Menéndez Pidal, J.

Leyendas del último rey Godo

Madrid: Tipografía de la revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, 1906.

Menozzi, D.; Franzinelli, M. - Bottoni, R. (Eds.)

Ideologia di cristianità e pratica della «guerra giusta»

in: Chiesa e guerra. Dalla «benedizione delle armi» alla «Pacem in terris», pp. 91-127

Bologna: il Mulino, 2005.

Monferrer Sala, J. P.; Fierro, M. (Ed.)

Mitografía hagiomartirial. De nuevo sobre los supuestos mártires cordobeses del siglo IX.

in: De muerte violenta. Política, religión y violencia en al-Andalus, pp. 415 - 450

Madrid: CSIC, 2004.

Displaying results from 481 to 500 of 639