Topic: 5. Sacrifices of self: Martyrology and crusades including Reconquista (12th-20th Century)
Spanning from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, this section delves into the complex world of religiously motivated wars, where martyrdom and self-sacrifice dedicated to God played a pivotal role. It offers an extensive collection of printed sources and images that trace the evolution of this phenomenon through the crusades, the Reconquista, and various holy wars. This assortment includes materials from the twelfth to the twentieth century and provides a comprehensive bibliography that examines these events from both sacred and secular viewpoints.
Saint-Germain-des-Près, St Vincent and the Martyrs of Córdoba.
in: Early Medieval Europe, v. 7 (1998), issue : pp.199 - 216.
The Capture of Damiate (1219) (about 1625 - 1627)
from: oil on canvas
The Frans Hals Museum (section: Dutch Golden Age paintings).
Dying to Be Men: Gender and Language in Early Christian Martyr Texts
New York: Columbia University Press, .
Sanctifying the Name of God: Jewish Martyrs and Jewish Memories of the First Crusade
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
The Martyrs of Córdoba (850-859). A Study of the Sources.
Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1962.
The Preaching of the Crusades to the Holy Land, 1095-1270
Cambridge: Medieval Academy of America , 1991.
From Noble Death to Crucified Messiah
in: New Testament Studies, v. 40 (1994), issue --: pp.491-503.
Cuadro sinóptico de la Reconquista española
Jerez: Impresor M. Hurtado, 1900.
The Martyrs of Cordoba. Community and Family Conflict in an Age of Mass Conversion.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
Dilucidario y demostracion de las chronicas y antiguedad del Sacro Orden de la siempre Virgen Madre de Dios Sancta Maria del Monte Carmelo. Por el maestro fray Diego de Coria Maldonado de la Provincia de Andaluzia de la mesma orden. Dirigido al Licenciado Alonso Nuñez de Bohorques del Consejo de Su Magestad, y de la Sancta y general Inquisición. Con prebilegio real
Cordova: Andres Barrera, 1598.
Martyrio. In: Tesoro de la lengua castellana, o española [...] compuesto por Sebastian de Cobarrubias Orozco [...] (ad vocem).
Madrid: Luis Sanchez, 1611.
The Ninth-century Spanish Martyrs' Movement and the Origins of Western Christian Missions to the Muslims.
in: The Muslim World, v. 55 (1965), issue : pp.324 - 329.