Topic: 1. Sacrifice and Bible (16th-18th Century)
The Bible, with its plethora of examples of sacrifice and self-sacrifice, plays a pivotal role in shaping the discourse on sacrifice in the early modern world.
This section includes:
- Sources: A broad selection of early modern writings, encompassing biblical exegesis, theological and philosophical interpretations, various translations, prayer books, and hymns.
- Iconographic Representations: This visual collection showcases early modern depictions of biblical sacrifices, including key scenes like the Sacrifice of Isaac as interpreted in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.
- Related Bibliography: Complemented by a comprehensive bibliography of scholarly works from the 19th to 21st centuries, offering modern perspectives and analyses of these historical interpretations.
Eucharist: Surrogate, Metaphor, Sacrament of Sacrifice
in: Sacrifice in Religious Experience, pp. 175-188
Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002.
Noah, his family and the animals leave the ark and offer sacrifice to God (1500)
from: Metrical Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus [Ms Add. 40724, fol. 23]
British Library, London
Parte primera de la chronica del Peru, que tracta la demarcacion de sus prouincias, la descripcion dellas, las fundaciones de las nueuas ciudades, los ritos y costumbres delos Indios, y otras cosas estrañas dignas de ser sabidas. Hecha por Pedro de Cieça de Leon, vezino de Seuilla. Añadiose de nueuo la descripcion y traça de todas las Indias, con vna tabla alphabetica delas materias principales enella contenidas
Antwerp: Iuan Steelsio, 1554.
Sacrificial instruments of the Israelites (1784)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
Scene a Sacrifice with a slaughtered calf (1785)
from: Dandré-Bardon, Michel François, Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes / par M. Dandré Bardon ; contenant les usages religieux, civils, domestiques & militaires des Grecs, des Romains, des Israélites & des Hébreux, des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Scythes, des Amazones, des Parthes, des Daces, des Sarmates & autres peuples tant orientaux qu'occidentaux, Paris, A. Jombert, 1784-1786, vol. 3
The Sacrifice of Isaac (1551)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
Origins of the Old Testament Sacrifice
in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly, v. 2 (1940), issue 2: pp.130-144.
Samson's mother seated at centre, her hands folded in her lap, Manoah and his wife at an altar with an angel in flames in background (1590-1595)
from: Mater Sampsonis, from Icones Illustrium Feminarum Veteris Testamenti
The British Museum, London
Spiritus timoris domini (1593 - 1597)
from: Adriaen Collaert; Johannes Stradanus, De zeven gaven van de Heilige Geest, n. p., Visscher, Claes Jansz, no year
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Spirit of Piety; to the left, two lambs burn on a sacrificial altar, Abel kneels by his offering (1595)
from: Antwerp
The British Museum, London
Tuta Philistaei secta cervice tyranni [...] [1590]
from: Adriaen Collaert ; Jan Van Der Straet, Encomium musices, Antwerp, Philippe Galle, [1590]
Synoptic Presentation of the Eucharist as Convenant Sacrifice
in: Theological Studies, v. 21 (1960), issue : pp.1-44.
Diruit aram, lucumq., Baal indeq. construit aram Domino, et holocaustum sacrificat (16th Century)
Bibliothèque municipale, Lyon
Sacrifice in the Psalms
in: Sacrifice in the Bible, pp. 41-58
Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1995.
Martyrio. In: Tesoro de la lengua castellana, o española [...] compuesto por Sebastian de Cobarrubias Orozco [...] (ad vocem).
Madrid: Luis Sanchez, 1611.