Topic: 0. General bibliography (19th-21th Century)

This section offers a curated bibliography on the concept of sacrifice from the 19th to the 21st Century. It includes a wide range of studies from theological, philosophical, historical, anthropological, iconographic and psycho-analytical perspectives. The collection, which includes books, journal articles and encyclopaedia entries, aims to explore the evolution and interpretation of sacrificial practices through modern and contemporary lenses, and to provide a theoretical framework for understanding sacrifice.

Displaying results from 41 to 60 of 372

Aimoin; Migne, J.- P. (Eds.)

De translatione SS. Martyrum Georgii monachi, Aurelii et Nathaliae ex urbe Corduba Parisios.

in: Patrologiae Cursus Completus, sive bibliotheca universalis ... omnium S.S. Patrum, Doctorum, Scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum qui ab aevo apostolico ad Innocentii III tempora floruerunt ... Series Secunda [ 1841 - 1864 ], pp. 939 - 960

Paris: Apud Garnier [...], 1852.

Aldana García, M. J.; Various authors (Ed.)

La imagen literaria de la invitación al martirio en Eulogio de Córdoba. Algunos testimonios de fuentes paleocristianas

in: Actas del I Congreso Nacional de Cultura Mozárabe (Historia, Arte, Literatura, Liturgia y Música), pp. 165 - 173

Cordoba: Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural Caja Sur, 1996.

Anderson, G. ; Friedman, D. N. (Ed.)


in: Anchor Dictionary of the Bible, pp. 870-886

New York: Doubleday, 1991.

Anderson, G. A. ; Freedman, D. N. F. (Ed.)

Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings (OT)

in: Anchor Bible Dictionary, pp. 870-886

Yale : Yale University Press, 1992.

Keywords: Bible

Anonymous / Unknown

Les instruments du martyre (1611)

from: L. Richeome, La Peinture spirituelle ou l'Art d'admirer aimer et louer Dieu en toutes ses oeuvres, et tirer de toutes profit saluter, Lyonne, Pierre Rigaud, 1611, p. 672

Anonymous / Unknown; Real Academia Española (Ed.)


in: Diccionario de la lengua castellana en que se explica el verdadero sentido de las voces, su naturaleza y calidad, con las phrases o modos de hablar, los proverbios o rephranes, y otras cosas convenientes al uso de la lengua. Compuesto por la Real Academia Española [...] (6 vols.), pp. (ad vocem)

Oviedo: Real Academia Española, 1989.

Baal, J. van

De Fenomenologie van Offer en Geschenk.

in: Nederlands Theologisch Tifdschrift, pp. 1-19

: , 1975.

Displaying results from 41 to 60 of 372