Keyword: Sermons
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The sacrifice of thankefulnesse A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the third of December, being the first Adventuall Sunday, anno 1615
London: Thomas Purfoot, for Clement Knight, 1616.
Homilia De Abrahami sacrificio
Geneva: Iohannes Le Preux, 1602.
The Sacrifice. A sermon upon psalm 51,17
[Oxford]: T.W. ; W. Lee, 1655.
A sermon of the blessed sacrament of the Lords Supper
London: T. and R. C. for Henry Seile, 1641.
Sermón para convertir Moros, hombres que tienen la ley de Mahoma. Dedicado a nuestro santisimo Padre y Señor Innocencio Duodezimo, Summo Pontifice, Successor de San Pedro y Vicario de Christo Señor nuestro, Dios y hombre verdadero, por el maestro Fray Francisco de Castelví, del Orden de Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Redempcion de Cautivos
Madrid: Diego Martínez Abad, 1689.
Le sacrifice des chrestiens, sermon fait le 2 de l'an 1633, sur Rom. 12, 1
Paris: Melchior Mondiere, 1645.
The Death of King Charles I Proved a Down-Right Murder, With the Aggravations of It. In a Sermon at St. Botolph Aldgate, London, January 30, 1692/3. To Which Are Added, Some Just Reflections Upon Some Late Papers, Concerning That King's Book
London: R. Norton; Walter Kettilby, 1693.
A treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith of the holy sacrifice and sacrament ordeyned by Christ at his last Supper with a declaration of the Berengarian heresie renewed in our age: and an answere to certain sermons made by M. Robert Bruce minister of Edinburgh concerning this matter
Antwerp: Ioachim Trognesius, 1593.
The Protectors Protection, or, the Pious Prince Guarded by a Praying People. A Sermon Preached at St. Edmundsbury in Suffolk, Upon the 13 Octob. 1658, Being a Day Set Apart for Solemn Fasting and Humiliation and Seeking a Blessing Upon His Highness the Lord Protector
London: T. J.; William Fisher, 1659.
The Christians sacrifice Seene, and allowed
London: Thomas Orwin; Thomas Man, 1589.