Keyword: Samson

Displaying results from 1 to 20 of 59

Anonymous / Unknown


from: Johannn Schönsperger, Speculum humanae salvationis, Augsburg, 1492 (Incunabula), fol. 119v

The Munich DigitiZation Center (MDZ)

Anonymous / Unknown

In left background the death of Samson among the pillars of the temple (1625-1630)

from: Icones Biblicae', published by Merian in Frankfurt

The British Museum, London

Anonymous / Unknown

Samson at the temple of Dagôn (1482)

from: Mirouer de la redempcion de l'umain lignage. Traducteur Julien Macho

Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale, Rés Inc 1043 f. 419

Anonymous / Unknown

Samson destroys the temple (15th)

from: Boccaccio, De casibus virorum illustrium. Translated by Laurent de Premierfait

Paris, BnF, MS Français 235 fol. 38v

Anonymous / Unknown

Samson destroys the temple (15th)

from: Boccaccio, De casibus virorum illustrium

Paris, BnF, Ms Français 233 fol. 28

Anonymous / Unknown

Samson destroys the Temple (XVI)

Venezia, Museo Correr

Keywords: Samson

Anonymous / Unknown

Samson Self-Sacrifice (1570)

from: Biblia, Das ist Die gantze Heylige Schrifft Teutsch Mart. Luth., Sampt einem Register und schoenen Figuren, Franckfurt am Mayn, Johann Wolffen und David Zephelij, Erben, 1570, fol. 143v

Anonymous / Unknown

Samson, mocked by the Philistines, throws down the pillars of the house [1350-1400]

from: Speculum humanae salvationis metrice cum figuris pictis (Germany)

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cim 3003

Anonymous / Unknown

The Death of Samson [1650]

Getty Center, Museum East Pavilion, Los Angeles

Anonymous / Unknown


from: La Saincte Bible, Contenant le Vieil and la Nouveau Testament, Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures/Sacra Biblia, nouo et vetere testamento constantia eximiis que sculpturis et imaginibus illustrata, De Limprimerie de Gerard Jollain

Anonymous / Unknown (after Maarten van Heemskerck)

Samson and Delilah, beyond Samson forces two columns and causes the temple to collapse; (1553)

from: Martinus . Hemskerck. Inventor / Hieronimus. Cock. excud. 1553

The British Museum, London

Anonymous / Unknown (after Paolo Farinati)

Samson Destroying the Temple of the Philistines (XVII)

Venezia, Museo Correr ( cl.III 1443)

Collaert II, Jan (after Maarten de Vos Published) - Galle, Philips

Samson's mother seated at centre, her hands folded in her lap, Manoah and his wife at an altar with an angel in flames in background (1590-1595)

from: Mater Sampsonis, from Icones Illustrium Feminarum Veteris Testamenti

The British Museum, London

Displaying results from 1 to 20 of 59