Keyword: Native Americans

Displaying results from 41 to 60 of 60

Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe

The beheading of the Inca Tupac Amaru [ Ejecución del Inca Túpac Amaru I, en la plaza del Cuzco, año 1572 ] (1615)

from: Guamán Poma de Ayala, F. Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno [1616]. Manuscript conserved in the København, Det Kongelige Bibliotek [ Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark ], GKS 2232 4°.

Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe

“Conçederación, Ciudad del Infierno. Penas graves, príncipe de las tinieblas, el rico, avariento, ingrato, lujuria, soberbia, castigo de los soberbios pecadores y ricos que no temen a Dios”. (1615)

from: Guamán Poma de Ayala, F. Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno [1616]. Manuscript conserved in the København, Det Kongelige Bibliotek [ Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark ], GKS 2232 4°.

Hooghe, Romeyn de

Japanese mendicants, lepers, muck-eaters, acts of self-immolation, the bathing of “Brahmins and fakirs,” Mexican human sacrifice and deities, and a Turkish dervish. (1682)

from: Simon de Vries (ca. 1580–1629), Curieuse Aenmerckingen der byzondereste Oost en West Indische… dingen (Curious Remarks on the most exceptional East and West Indian… matters), vol. 3 (Utrecht: Johannes Ribbius, 1682)

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Küsel, Melchior

P. Bernardus de Cisneros, P. Didacus de Orosco, P. Ioannes de Valle, P. Ludovicus de Alabes Hispani, Soc: Iesu, à Barbaris Americanis occisi fidei in nova Hispania Ao. 1616. 18 Novemb: (1676)

from: Tanner, Mathias, Societas Iesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, Typis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae in Collegio Societatis Jesu ad S. Clementem, Prague 1675, p. 470

John Carter Brown Library at Brown University

Küsel, Melchior

Pedro de Espinosa kneels before a vision of the Virgin Mary and Child while a native American prepares to kill him with an ax or hatchet. Paraguay in 1637 (1676)

from: Tanner, Mathias, Societas Iesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, Typis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae in Collegio Societatis Jesu ad S. Clementem, Prague 1675, p. 495

John Carter Brown Library at Brown University

Melchior Küsel (drawing by Karel Škréta)

Muerte de los jesuitas Roque Gonzáles de Santa Cruz y Alonso Rodríguez a manos de los guaraníes (1628) (1675)

from: Tanner, Mathias. Societas Iesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, [...] in causa fidei, & virtutis propugnatae, violenta morte toto orbe sublati sunt, Praga, Typis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae in Collegio Societatis Jesu ad S. Clementem, 1675. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University , Providence, Rhode Island

Melchior Küsel (drawing by Karel Škréta)

Muerte del padre Gonzalo de Tapia a manos de los nativos de Sinaloa (1675)

from: Tanner, Mathias. Societas Iesu usque ad sanguinis et vitae profusionem militans, [...] in causa fidei, & virtutis propugnatae, violenta morte toto orbe sublati sunt, Praga, Typis Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae in Collegio Societatis Jesu ad S. Clementem, 1675. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University , Providence, Rhode Island

Picart, Bernard

Le grand sacrifice des Canadiens à Quitchi-Manitou ou le Grand Esprit (1723)

from: Picart, Bernard. Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde: représentées par des figures, deel III. Amsterdam: Jean Frédéric Bernard, 1723-1743

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Picart, Bernard

Mexican Sacrifice to the God of Hunting (1723 - 1743)

from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743

Picart, Bernard

Sacrifice which the Floridians Make to the Sun (lower) (1723 - 1743)

from: Picart, Bernrd; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743

Picart, Bernard

Sacrifice which the Floridians make to the Sun (upper) (1723 - 1743)

from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743

Picart, Bernard

The Great Sacrifice of the Canadians Indians (1723 - 1743)

from: Picart, Bernard; Bernard, Jean Frederic. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of All the Peoples of the World, 1723-1743

Valades, Diego

Native Americans kill Catholic martyrs with bows and arrows, stones, knives, and spears. [1579]

from: Valades, Diego, Rhetorica christiana ad concionandi, et orandi usum accommodata, Petrucci, Perugia, 1579, p. 220

John Carter Brown Collections

[ Mendieta, Gerónimo de ]

Muerte de un fraile franciscano a manos de los chichimecas. (16-17th Century)

from: Mendieta, Gerónimo de, Historia eclesiástica Indiana

Original Manuscript in : Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin

[Schley, Jacobus van der]

Cimetierre des Sacrifices (Cemetery of Sacrifices) (1745)

from: Prévost, Antoine François, Histoire générale des voyages, ou Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre qui ont été publiées jusqu'à présent dans les différentes langues, Paris, Didot, 1754, vol. 12, p. after 544

[Schley, Jacobus van der]

Human Sacrifice to Vitzilipuztli (1745)

from: Prévost, Antoine François, Histoire générale des voyages, ou Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre qui ont été publiées jusqu'à présent dans les différentes langues, Paris, Didot, 1754, vol. 12, p. after 544

Displaying results from 41 to 60 of 60