Keyword: Martyrdom
Saint Ramon Nonatus Protecting a Slave (18th Century)
Museo Diocesano, Solsona (Lleida, Catalunya).
Saint Roderick, Martyr in Cordova (857) [1633 - 1668]
Altarpiece of the Main Altar of the Church of San Juan de Dios. Cabra (Spain)
Samson smashes down the pillars in the Philistines' house (Samson reißt die Säulen im Haus der Philister ein) (1601-1625)
Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
San Aurelio y Santa Sabigotho su Muge. Y San Jorge Monje. San Féliz y Santa Liliosa, su Muger. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Fausto, San Januario y San Marcial. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Pelagio y San Sancho. Mártires de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Perfecto, Pres[bitero] Proto-Martir de la Persecución Arábiga en Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
San Zoilo Mártir, Nobilísimo Cavallero Cordobés. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Santa Flora, Mártir de Córdoba. Santa María, Mártir de Córdoba. (17-18th Century)
from: Picture in anonymous devotional card
Sculpture of Saint Pedro Armengol (Mercedarian) (17-18th Century)
Chapel next to the Church of Santa María de Conxo. Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Sculpture representing the Mercedarian Martyr and Saint Pedro Pascual (18th Century)
La Merced Church, in the baroque altarpiece dedicated to Saint Pedro Pascual, Antigua Guatemala.
Some Priests of Ugíjar (Spain) being martyrized in Alpujarras mountains during moriscos' rebellion of 1568-1569. [18-19th Century]
Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Martirio (Our Lady of Martyrdom Parish Church), antechamber. Ugíjar (Spain)
Statue of Saint Eulogius, Cordovan Martyr [18th Century]
San Francisco and San Eulogio Church, Cordoba (Spain).
Statue of Saint Pelayo [19th Century]
Ermita de San Pelayo, Morales del Rey (Spain)
Statue of Saint Pelayo [18th Century]
Church of the Episcopal Seminary, Cordova