Keyword: Jewish Sacrifice
Pure Violence: Sacrifice and Defilement in Ancient Israel
in: Harvard Theological Review, v. 94 (2001), issue 2: pp.133-155.
Moeurs des sauvages amériquains comparées aux moeurs des premiers temps
Paris: Saugrain l'aîné, 1724.
Le sacrifice juif dans le système sacrificiel antique : recherches historiques et anthropologiques
in: Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), Section des sciences religieuses, v. (2014 [open access: ]), issue 121: pp.33-38.
La calunnia del sangue in Derekh Emunà (Via della Fede - 1683) di Giulio Morosini alias Samuel Nachmias
in: La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, v. 82 (2016), issue 1: pp.25-48.
Origines Hebrææ: the antiquities of the Hebrew republick: In four books. I. The origin of the Hebrews; their civil government; the constitution of the sanhedrim; forms of trial in courts of justice, &c. II. The ecclesiastical government; the consecration of the high-priests, priests, and levites. The revenue of the priesthood the sects among the Hebrews, pharisees, sadducees, essenes, &c. III. Places of worship. The use of high-places; a survey of the tabernacle, and the proseucha's of the Hebrews. A description of the first temple from the scriptures, and of the second from the rabbinical writings. The sacred utensils. The institution of synagogues, &c. IV. The religion of the hebrews. Their sacrifices; and their libations. The burning of the red heifer, and ceremonies of purification. Their sacraments, publick fasts and festivals, &c. Design'd as an explanation of every branch of the levitical law, and of all the ceremonies and usages of the Hebrews, both civil and sacred
London: Sam Illidge ; John Hooke, 1724.
Discorso circa il stato de gl'Hebrei, et in particolar dimoranti nell'inclita citta di Venetia, di Simone Luzzatto rabbino hebreo, et e vn'appendice al Trattato dell'openioni e dogmi de gl'Hebrei dall'vniuersal non dissonanti, e de' riti loro più principali
Venezia: Gioanne Calleoni, 1638.
The Hermeneutics and Genesis of the Red Cow Ritual
in: The Harvard Theological Review, v. 105 (2012), issue 3: pp.351–71.
Scenes related to Saint Augustine addressing the Romans, featuring the Mass and, in the upper right, an animal sacrifice in the Temple. Augustine's words on a scroll read: «C'est le vray sacrifice a Dieu agreable». [1480]
from: St. Augustin [Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis]: La cité de Dieu. Enlumineur Maître de Coëtivy, Traducteur: Raoul de Presles (1316-1382). Miniature at the beginning of book 10
France, Mâcon, Médiathèque et Archives municipales, Ms. 1, fol. 305
Riti e costumi degli ebrei descritti, e confutati dal dottore Paolo Medici sacerdote
Florence: Pietro Gaetano Viviani, 1736.
The offering of the Jews
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Sacrifice of a Lamb by Four Men (1630(?))
from: Luther, Martin. Biblia das ist Die gantze Holy Scriptures Durch D. Martin Luther verutscht Strasbourg, Zetzner, [1630], Frontispiece
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Via della fede mostrata a’gli ebrei da Giulio Morosini Venetiano
Rome: Stamparia della Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide, 1683.
Violent Rituals of the Hebrew Bible
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Two Dissertations on Sacrifices
London: Burton and Briggs; Gale and Fenner Hatchard, [1817].
A criticism upon modern notions of sacrifices being an examination of Dr. Taylor's scripture-doctrine of atonement examined, In Relation I. To Jewish Sacrifices. II. To the Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. To which is added an appendix, containing an examination of another notion of Jewish sacrifices, which is exhibited in an anonymous Piece
London: C. Henderson, T. Becket, P. A. de Hondt, 1761.
“The fathers slaughter their sons”: Depictions of the Binding of Isaac in the Art of Medieval Ashkenaz In: IMAGES Author: Shalom Sabar
in: Images, v. 3 (2009), issue 1: pp.9–28.