Keyword: Huguenots
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The triumph of faith The sacrifice of Isaac. The ship-wracke of Ionas. With a song of the victorie obtained by the French king, at Yvry. Written in French, by W. Salustius lord of Bartas, and translated by Iosuah Siluester, marchant aduenturer
[London]: Richard Yardley, 1592.
Keywords: Abraham and IsaacHuguenots
Le sacrifice des chrestiens, sermon fait le 2 de l'an 1633, sur Rom. 12, 1
Paris: Melchior Mondiere, 1645.
Des sacrifices de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle alliance, et de la résignation du fidèle à la volonté de Dieu
Paris: Nicolas Bourdin; L. Perier, 1643.
Displaying results from 1 to 4 of 4