The triumph of faith The sacrifice of Isaac. The ship-wracke of Ionas. With a song of the victorie obtained by the French king, at Yvry. Written in French, by W. Salustius lord of Bartas, and translated by Iosuah Siluester, marchant aduenturer
The triumph of faith The sacrifice of Isaac. The ship-wracke of Ionas. With a song of the victorie obtained by the French king, at Yvry. Written in French, by W. Salustius lord of Bartas, and translated by Iosuah Siluester, marchant aduenturer
[London]: Richard Yardley, 1592.
Keywords: Abraham and IsaacHuguenots
Authority file:
Edited by: Dennj Solera
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Des sacrifices de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle alliance, et de la résignation du fidèle à la volonté de Dieu
Paris: Nicolas Bourdin; L. Perier, 1643.